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Why are my earned gold bars not showing?

ccole Posts: 2 Newbie
I have collected marked candies for rewards, I'm notified of winning gold bars and they are not showing in my total, have a balance of 19 and have passed 3 or 4 milestones and the total is still the same.  I usually get 3 items at a time & I think I'm getting those (eg. stripe&wraped candy, color bomb) but I'm not positive.

Best Answer

  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,110 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓
    Hi @ccole and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 Sometimes rewards you win don't show up on your screens but they are stored immediately in your backpack. As you see, there is a red mark "1" on your backpack. Once you open it you will see small stars shining around boosters you've won.

    As for the gold bars, your screenshot shows that you just got pop up as info that you have sugar drops at a certain level. Once you collect the sugar drops you might get boosters or even some gold bars. 

    I hope this helps you. Have a wonderful day 🤗


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