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My rewards keep dissappearing

CandiceM91 Posts: 1 Newbie
For the past two weeks. Every time I begin gathering rewards such as chocolate balls, lollipops exc.

I would stop playing and when I log back on later in the day my rewards would all dissappear 

It has only begun happening the past two weeks and I don't know how to stop it and its getting frustrating 

Anyone know what to do? 


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,069 Candy Moderator
    @CandiceM91 - welcome to our community.  I know how frustrating that must be.  The studios have started giving timed boosters for some of the events like the daily calendar and collecting sugar drops.  Not everyone has it and they sometimes change who has timed boosters and who doesn't.  Can you take a screen shot of your backpack?  And then again when you notice some of your boosters have disappeared?  That will help us determine what the problem is.

    Thank you.

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