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Fun & Games Area



  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    Wow @FaRayha - you sure know your Candy Crush!  Well Done!  Can you edit your post and click on the paragraph symbol and then click on "Spoiler" so you can hide your answers so other people don't see them?  These puzzles weren't a contest - they were just for fun and aimed at testing your knowledge about the game.  But I hope you enjoyed them and I'll ask the CM and maybe it might be turned into a contest.  If it does - I will let you know.
    I finally understand the "Spoiler" deal! Thank you @bearwithme
  • Awesome <3<3
    Super working!!!!! <3<3

  • david965
    david965 Posts: 5

    Level 1

    edited September 2019
    ** Removed by CM - Off-topic Spam ** 

  • afshin73
    afshin73 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Candy crush saga
  • First game answers

    Second game answers
    1)Candy Town 
    2)Minty Meadow
    3)Lemonade Lake
    4)Easter Bunny Hills
    5)Chocolate Mountains
    6)Bubblegum Bridge 
    7)Candy Factory 
    8)Salty Canyon

    Third game answers

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    Hey guys, this didn't turn out too well because not all the answers were correct from everyone's responses.  So we are going to forget this for now, but you got a taste of how a contest can be done.  I am going to give you a link in a second for the CC Saga community contest that is currently going on.  Please respond to that one and the link is here.

    A new small contest will be starting here today or tomorrow so you might want to try that one too.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,551
    Well I guess it worked out faster than I thought because I just posted the new contest here in our Beginner's Corner.  It's a memoy match game and I'm sure that you have played this before.

  • ChristiesHeaven03
    ChristiesHeaven03 Posts: 10

    Level 1

    Welcome to the Fun & Games area. Who said learning about something had to be dull and boring. In this section you will find games, puzzles and sometimes even contests where you can earn some gold bars or boosters to help you with the game. These games and puzzles are all aimed at improving your knowledge of Candy Crush Saga so start playing and enjoy!  To make it even more fun - 3 randomly chosen people will each win 20 gold bars. The contest will end at 2359 CET 30 Sep.

    Find Terms and Conditions here.

    Be sure to use the spoiler feature so other people can't see your answers: 

    This first game asks you to fill in the blanks in each sentence. Each sentence describes what the goal is for the different levels

    This next one is a Word Scramble puzzle. In Candy Crush Saga you get to go on an adventure and travel through many different lands as you complete each episode. Below are the names of several of these lands. Can you successfully unscramble each land's name (two of three words and the first letter of each word is capitalized)?

    The next game is a word search puzzle. Words will either be horizontal, vertical or diagonal and the word can start from the top or the bottom of the word. Can you find the names of the 10 blockers and boosters you commonly find in Candy Crush Saga?

    Look for more fun in the future including links to contests where you have the opportunity to win gold bars and boosters!

  • ChristiesHeaven03
    ChristiesHeaven03 Posts: 10

    Level 1

    candyTown                 MintyMeadow      Lemonade Lake             
    EasterBunnyHills                            chocolateMountains                bubblegumBridge
     candyFactory                             SaltyCanyon

  • MargieD105
    MargieD105 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Maybe I will figure this out soon.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?