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Candy Crush Saga Level 5724

Level 5724 is impossible. Far too many multi layered Meringue and Icing + constantly spawning chocolate. You are required to get 57 double layered jellies and 3 cherries in 27 moves. I cannot even get close !! The closest I have got in numerous attempts is 23 jellies and 2 cherries remaining and that includes starting with a colour bomb, wrapped candy, striped candy and fish.
The only solution on line starts with numerous boosters and then at the end has to use many hammers and switches. It also has 30 moves, whereas the game I am playing has 27.
This needs fixing urgently as it is not use playing the level at the moment. A waste of time and boosters !!!!


  • gamingtrex123
    gamingtrex123 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    edited October 2019
     Hi Admin!
    Your is an amazing and informative article for more information visit this link: 
    candy crush
  • berf
    berf Posts: 81

    Level 3

    Hi Peter.

    Oddly, I was closing in on this level and they pulled the velvet rope back just now. I guess I'll have to wait til Wednesday to see if they merely slapped a "Crotch-Kickingly Hard" label on it, or made adjustments.

    But in the meantime, someone who has never  played it will post a comment about how the company makes impossible levels intentionally to slow us down.

    And, someone else will post a Newbies link and point you to a "helpful" blog.

    You might even get some confused soul to suggest that you must mean a different level, since his Android game doesn't go up to 5724.  B)
  • @berf Totally agrre. I passed the level but used all the starting boosters I could, got a lucky board where they matched up, then at the end had to use 2 UFOs, hammers and switches !!!!!
    @Sukanta_Biswas has informed me the level is being "fixed" ??

  • berf
    berf Posts: 81

    Level 3

    They must have changed it, because I just cleared on the first go using only one lollipop hammer.

    You probably feel like someone who waited in a long line at the bank and there's no line when you leave.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    Hi guys, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to do them for a chance to win gold bars.

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487
    They have nerfed.
    Now is 25 moves.
    and the maximum for waffle is fewer.

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487
    The waffle maximum is 3 (Maybe)

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?