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App won’t start

thill808 Posts: 2 Newbie
App won’t start after update a couple of days ago. I have an iphone XS Max, ios 13.2.2. Also, after the update there is a tiny blue dot at the bottom of the CC icon on my phone that has never been there before?  
I’ve reset my phone as well. When I tap the icon to open it goes to the orange screen and then immediately closes. I’ve also tried to open it directly from the App Store and does the same thing


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,137 Candy Moderator
    Hello @thill808 and welcome to our wonderful community.  Wow - I am sorry to hear you are experiencing this problem.  You mentioned your platform and software used.  Are you playing on version 1.163.0? Have you cleared your cache and then restarted your phone? I play on an iPhone X and have the latest version of the app.  My CCS Icon doesn't show any blue dot - it still shows the Halloween theme with the pumpkin and 2 bats. Can you take a screenshot of the icon? 

    This problem definitely needs to be sent to customer support to help you get it fixed.  Please get your user ID:

    Once you have the number, please complete the contact form from this link:  You should hear back from them sometime next week.  Please be patient since it might take a few days and it is Friday afternoon/evening (depending where you live).

    Thank you.

  • thill808
    thill808 Posts: 2 Newbie
    I am unable to access the app so I have no idea which version is downloaded, Also the instructions for getting my user ID involve opening the app and clicking on the cog wheel. Since I cannot open the app I’m on able to get my user ID.I did try to install the newest update as instructed a couple of days ago. I have attached a screenshot for you.

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