Rick, I feel the same way. It used to be the jackpot slot was just as wide as the others, suggesting you should get it once in about every eight spins. After conducting extensive testing using complex algorithms, I've determined the actual scientific odds are actually one in every kabajillion spins. All jokes aside, they have redesigned the wheel. It now appears you should be able to spin the jackpot once in every 15 spins, on average. That's still not true; the odds are not quite so favorable. But I have been getting a LOT more folks commenting on my youtube channel, saying they've finally won after years of nothing. (I'm like you. I still haven't gotten it. But now I'm a bit more hopeful. And even though I don't get the jackpot, I do at least get a free booster a day.) Good luck!!!
Same here, I have been playing for years, about 10 years or more not sure, and I've got the jackpot only once. Statistically, it is impossible. It is rigged.