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No longer able to exit an unstarted board without losing lives - Information and feedback



  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511
    Hello @curlyfried ,

    Welcome to the forum 🙂

    All opinions are more than welcome in this forum, but please keep them personal and share with the community what are you personally planning to do in the game. 

    Thank you very much for your understanding. 
  • jenfink
    jenfink Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Over the past few days I have been searching for a replacement to CC. I have found that lots of games still have the “in” and “back out” feature. This is clearly not a “fix”. It’s a common feature in these types of games. Good news for me, I have some good replacement prospects! Bad news for King, I haven’t played CC in 4 days. Hope you miss my money, because it’s going to another game developer now. 
  • Johan_Thunberg
    Johan_Thunberg Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Pounawea said:

    Last but not least, an open question: Can you think of a different way for us to preview levels in the game?

    The preview is just a minor thing, nice to have but not important.
    It's the ability to back out and rearrange boosters that matters.Unless the preview shows the placement of boosters and have some mechanism to shuffle the placement it's of no use. But then it's much easier to just revert this recent change.

    Anyway, I've been playing for years and was one of the players waiting for new levels each Wednesday. But now I have stopped, haven't played since this was introduced. Will keep track of this thread in case you come to your senses again King, until than thanks for many years of gaming and good bye (for now at least).
  • pistoff
    pistoff Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I havent been playing as long as most of you but i started about 6 months ago and im up to level 2896 and as you can see by my screen name im pissed off too i never bought boosters till the upper levels b/c sometimes the booster used with the ability to reshuffle was the only way to get thru a board especially when u win a timed booster and have no lives left so u cant even use it also all of the unfair bs of some players getting 20 to 30 moves to beat a level while myself and a few others would only get 12!!!! Craziness!!! Now they take this "fix" grrrrr i agree with the one person that commented that king hasnt even responded to us at all so we need to find out how we can reach the advertisers if they know ppl are getting ready to junk this game and they will lose all that ad revenue then maybe we can hit king where it hurts....but we need to do something b/c all of our posts are obviously having no effect as they dont care about our community so lets do something that they will hear and feel....stop playing stop buying and take these issues to the companies with the ads so they know....or maybe a magazine or news b/c that negative press will do more than we can alone 
  • pistoff
    pistoff Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Also some ppl have been talking about having the ability to watch an ad for a booster thats another thing i never had....and one girl on here said she gound another game similar to cc but by a dif maker and u can reshuffle on it she said she hasnt played cc in over 4 days if u are reading this and can some how reply to me can u plz lmk what game that is....we should all srart playing that one
  • xoxolo
    xoxolo Posts: 16

    Level 2

    I can’t believe they have the audacity to basically tell us to keep wasting boosters and lives while WE come up with an alternative lol wtf.   
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