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Welcome Christmas and New Year's Eve 2019!



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    Hi @keke98, thanks for sharing.  I have heard that about a lot of families that wear their pajamas and open up their presents on Christmas Eve.  How many in total usually get together?

    @Elena_zapata2020 he is very young to have memories of Christmas yet.  Well do something special for both of you and then you can have a memory of this Christmas. 
  • Elena_zapata2020
    Elena_zapata2020 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    @Elsaif that is, I will make a sad day to a fun day with my little one, thanks for the support, I consider you a friend more, blessings
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    I consider you a sweet friend too.  Please share with me what special things you do.
  • Elena_zapata2020
    Elena_zapata2020 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    @ElsaMy day is like this: I wake up with my son and while we relax we play candy crush, I try to pass the nightmare levels that take weeks to level up, I finish my lives and enter the king community, then I go to the market to cook, At 1 pm we are having lunch, not much because we are of very low resources ... in the afternoon I spent time playing with my son, at night I order the room, I do not work because I take care of my son, to leave it in the quinder it costs a lot and I do not have that money, my partner works every day to eat something, they do not pay much but it is enough for a plate of food, I am 20 years old, how much I would like to study and have a prophecy, unfortunately it is not so. , that's my reality, my life is very sad. Playing candy sweetens my day. But tell me, how is your day?
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    Thanks for sharing more about your life.  You are very young but wise for your age!  It looks like you've been through a lot and them some.  My day is going good.  I am working on creating some pictures for each game community.  They are going to be Christmas quotes and I am using the characters from the games.
  • Elena_zapata2020
    Elena_zapata2020 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    edited December 2019
    @Elsa Es increíble que trabajes todos los días para mejorar el juego.congratulations and thank
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    edited December 2019
    Did you change the translation of your message above because I got notified in English but now I don't see it in English here?
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    If you would like to view all the individual animations, the video is posted on my YouTube channel.

  • anieano
    anieano Posts: 3

    Level 1

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,545
    Hi @anieano welcome to our community.  You are doing great in the game!  How are you enjoying it? 

    Here is a link to help you learn your way around the community.  Let's learn more about the King community!

    Make sure to check out the Contest Area for a chance to win gold bars!   You can check if your game is running any current contests, as well as the community contests (General).

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