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Level 6136 doesn't work



  • Alenino
    Alenino Posts: 12

    Level 1

    bearwithme when chocolate eat the keys the fruit are in the box. The problem is that when chocolate eat, the box doesn't open. I ask yo to fix the bug, please

  • Alenino
    Alenino Posts: 12

    Level 1

    @bearwithme can you help me?
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946
    Hello @Alenino. Some other players have the same problem still. I have passed the information on but will probably not hear anything until tomorrow. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 
  • Alenino
    Alenino Posts: 12

    Level 1

    Hello @bearwithme, i've just play today the level, but the bug is still there 
    Can you give me a "pass" for the level 6137? Thanks
  • Dirk1Dirk2!
    Dirk1Dirk2! Posts: 11

    Level 2

    ik wil graag dat niveau 6136 het weer gaat doen ik speel al mijn sleutels weg maar mijn fruit val niet dat is mijn probleem help mijn 

  • obdacman
    obdacman Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Level 6136 still isn't working. I haven't used a hammer to collect Keys. My user ID number is 1209031938 my software version is MP26011e I play on my phone Android version 7.0
  • I have turn off the Mobile and I have turn on but the bug remains. 
    My Mobile is Samsung 
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946
    The studio is aware of the problem and hard at work to try and find a solution to fix the problem for the different platforms.  Please follow the link below for all future updates on this issue.
  • Youlanda_
    Youlanda_ Posts: 12

    Level 2

    stuck on level 6136,  been stuck for a while.  the chocolate is eating the keys but not unlocking the locks.  I followed all examples. nothing.  and now the chocolate eats all the keys and no extra keys fall. so can,t even buy my way off this level.  please fix.  been playing for years hate to stop because of a problem like this. please fix.

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