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Upcoming changes in Candy Crush Saga: Sugar Track, Build-a-bot, and more



  • Tricia55
    Tricia55 Posts: 297

    King announced it was going to be making changes with build a bot and candy pet. When are we going to see these changes? We need a way to gain boosters in order to complete the new levels!

  • gkids
    gkids Posts: 11

    Level 2

    If it isn’t broke why fix it. Why are you taking away all our opportunities to earn boosters. I like play for fun and relaxing. Boosters help us pass the hard levels. The higher we get in the game the harder it is to pass levels. Now you have taken them away from us. Please fix it. BRING BACK OUR BOOSTERS.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,830

    Hi @Tricia55 . Welcome to our Community 🙎‍♀️

    Some features have been removed from the game and some changes have been made to improve the game.So if something is missing in the game, stay tuned since it means that a new features will soon come up!

    You will find more information HERE.

  • Tricia55
    Tricia55 Posts: 297

    How long do we have to wait. Build a bot has been like this for weeks. C'mon we need boosters to play these harder levels. You are losing valuable players due to dragging your feet on implementing the new changes.

  • Joycepitronella
    Joycepitronella Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi there,

    Is that why I'm playing with other people all of a sudden?

  • Boogie221
    Boogie221 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    I am one of the players I feel you would prefer to lose. I am at the end of the levels and never pay for boosters. I wouldn’t mind the changes if the games could be achieved without boosters and by strategy alone, but I don’t believe that is the case with some levels. What I really hate is something that looks as though you are going to win boosters and then turns out to be a cynical ploy to get you to pay- that stupid pig thing.

    I know you need to generate income but if this means changing the game so that people like me have to pay to progress, then I will be off.

  • Boogie221
    Boogie221 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Could you let me know what has improved.

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited March 2020

    Uh-oh, you better not say/write that S word (as in stupid) too loudly; some folks round here get all butthurt over that one; see this old page (from CC Soda)...

  • I don't even know what a bot is. Is it something offered after you've reached a specific level?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?