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free lives

zszs Posts: 4 Newbie
edited March 2020 in Support

I never got my free lives although I live in Spain and I am in quarantine. I would not complain but today I got them in another game and I realized I should have had it all along? what gives? are you bad people just giving it out randomly or is this a mistake? can you send me my lives now?! I would say this is a good initiative if ppl. would get the extra lives. Now it seems that you are just doing some utter randomness.

I restarted my phone, and game no change.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 40,861 Candy Moderator

    Hello @zszs Welcome to the King Community!

    I am sorry to hear that you have not received the Unlimited Lives that were offered by the King Team!

    Can you please post your game user ID number, so that our Community In-charge can take care of the issue? This link will help you ---> Find my ID number

    I am sorry to say that it is not fair on our part to scold or be rude to King, when they are being very generous to their players and giving away free lives for so many hours!! You might have been slipped when they are sending out the Lives OR they could be sending the feature in groups!! And no, this is not random... all the players in Spain, Italy and UK will receive free lives for sure.

    Hope this clarifies! Thank you for understanding!

    Please stay Safe & Warm! 😷

  • nooch
    nooch Posts: 1 Newbie


    I thought everyone received the free lives. I live in the USA/ New York and am unable to get free lives as well. My ID number is 5140980434. Can someone please help.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 40,861 Candy Moderator

    Hello @nooch Hearty Welcome to this friendly King Community 🤗

    I am so sorry to say we are not in the list!! Means, USA is not included to receive the feature yet!!

    ONLY Italy Spain and UK are the selected countries as of now!

    But, many are hoping that we too might see the Unlimited Lives soon enough... but it could be next week though!! Not sure! I live in Michigan and I too am waiting! I heard that King is sending these Free lives in all the Candy games 🤩

    Hope this made sense and clarifies!

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,123 Community Manager

    The 24h Unlimited Lives are added to your game every afternoon this week and you need to be located in UK, Spain or Italy and play on a mobile device.

    Make sure the app is updated to the latest version since the Lives do not work on some older versions. Then alsoforce close the app and restart the device and hopefully the Lives will get added correctly the next afternoon when the 24h are sent out.

  • zszs
    zszs Posts: 4 Newbie

    No they are not as I said above. But thank you for your non-informative reply.

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,123 Community Manager

    If the Lives didn't pop up today either, please email Player Support from the game's Settings and Help Center.

  • zszs
    zszs Posts: 4 Newbie
    1. I reinstalled the game. Restart. Why not I am at home. (****grrrr*****)
    2. No unlimited life.
    3. King is a horrible company. I should not email anyone. They can do changes (like getting rid of getting out of the game and get back without losing a life) to screw our lives but not this?????
  • zszs
    zszs Posts: 4 Newbie

    I am in at Spain. Thanks for nothing.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?