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Upcoming changes in Candy Crush Saga: Sugar Track, Build-a-bot, and more



  • cazmartini
    cazmartini Posts: 150

    You have more patience than I do, lol, I use mine right away. By the way I don't have chocolate box... Just saw it for the first time on my daughters account.

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277

    Ah. Using Facebook? That doesn't appear to have it. Win10 and mobile do though.

  • cazmartini
    cazmartini Posts: 150

    i am on the same computer, Mac using facebook for both accounts. She has it, I don't... it looks good though. Hopefully I will get it soon.

  • sreyarm999
    sreyarm999 Posts: 66

    Level 3


  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555
    edited March 2020

    For everyone complaining about Activision’s recent removal of beneficial features in this game...why still play? I quit back in December at level 5916 when they removed the only strategic feature left to players - the board reset. Without that this free-to-play game became entirely dependent on luck and as such simply wasn’t worth my free time to continue.

    My recommendation to all of you here(with the exception of the obvious Activision employee Steve 18) is to simply abstain from playing until the game becomes enjoyable again. Do NOT delete the game as that will get rid of all earned boosters at the moment - instead just follow this forum to see if/when Activision restores the game to its previously playable state. If they don’t in whatever timeframe you deem is reasonable, then delete it and don’t look back.

    Anyone who attempts to defend this company right now considering the state of the world is - to put it mildly - **Edit by CM:offensive**. People with supposed backgrounds in this field have weighed in on the various issues with adding new features as old features are phased out but what would prevent years-old features that clearly function properly without crashes from being restored? The coding is obviously all there as some players still are benefitting from them.

    tl;dr Activision is clearly trying to take players’ addiction to this game to the bank during this pandemic. This will not be forgotten after this is over and life returns to normalcy.

  • colagirl
    colagirl Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Without sugar drops and now the build-a-bot can’t be charged on old levels it’s just not much fun anymore.

  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555

    See the post above yours and follow my advice. I’ve been involved in similar threads here on this forum that are far longer than this, and regardless of countless negative responses by multiple forum-goers Activision refuses to give players what they want.

    Games are supposed to be enjoyable and from all accounts here lately, this particular one has ceased to be that. Why waste your time on this when you could devote it to far better pursuits?

  • bones261
    bones261 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    edited March 2020

    In response to these recent changes, I think players should use all the money they are saving by not being able to buy toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disaffecting wipes, etc. etc and use it to buy gold bars. At least we know that there will never be a shortage of gold bars to buy. We can hoard as many as our hearts desire and our credit lines and bank accounts will allow.

  • GrammyB
    GrammyB Posts: 7

    Level 2

    For over a month, I've had no way to earn boosters other than the daily spin and chocolate box one time day. Still waiting for an update of whatever the changes are going to be. I don't mind a challenge, but this is beyond ridiculous. It is not right to have some of us getting maybe 4 boosters a day, but others still are able to collect the C's twice a day and whatever else. My sister is one of those people. It must be nice! I'm done and tired of waiting. Maybe, I'll check back in a couple of months to see IF there are any changes for the good.

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277

    This previous features of this game meant so much to you that you would rather quit than adapt to the changes? How have you ever survived in this ever changing world? Again, I don't work for Activision, King or any other company that has a relationship with them. No affiliation. BTW, why do you call yourself Dirty_Nurse?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?