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New change to chocolate box feature?

Has there been a change to the Chocolate Box feature? I have been trying to collect 15 fish but it only counts them when I get them in levels I am trying to win for the first time. This is unfortunate if the level doesn't include fish. It appears that you can only "collect" items from new levels. Is this another change frequent players are going to hate?



  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    Did my chocolate box this morning on old levels, so not sure but why are you going for the fish. there are easier choices than fish. Since start i only use 3 levels 581,582,621, you can get most colours or colour bombs or stripped or square candy from each colour box done and every now and then you use 580 for the 1 hard level you need to do on a certain colour. these can be done pretty quick

    Hope your not right with this as if this is new levels only you want be able to do every day if your max out on levels

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,409

    I only choose the items I can "collect" in the chocolate box. Today, my only "collect" item was the fish. All other choices for my final color were "use" or "win" and I avoid those because I don't want to use valuable boosters or have to win hard levels. I hope this is only in my game and others don't have the same experience.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    edited April 2020

    understand that but win 1 hard level isnt that hard if you scroll back to begining levels, i use 580 for 1 hard win and most time do first time. sometimes 2 or 3 goes but never use boosters as defeats the aim of winning one lollipop hammer. Funny thing is one challenge is use a lollipop hammer, who gonna do a 4 step challenge to use one a lollipop hammer for 1 step just to win 1 for doing 4 steps of challenge

  • Select collect candies & win level(s), ignore the other stuff (if possible).


    It appears that you can only collect items from new levels...

    That would totally reek (of let's screw the players even more than they already are), but it's working normally here (ATM)...

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,409

    Thanks for tip. It appears I can play past hard levels to "win" 5 hard levels to complete my chocolate box. Thanks again!

  • You bet!

  • ryanla
    ryanla Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited April 2020

    MountainMom...I can still do the box with old levels on android mobile and find it best to first look at the various challenges for each color in the box to figure out which ones will be the easiest to do for each color. Try using levels 1476 and 16 for the fastest completion of the box without losing a life. Level 1476 takes a while to complete but will give you green, orange, blue, purple (not red), color bombs, stripes, and wrapped challenges. Level 16 will give you fast wins, green, orange, blue, purple (not red)...stripes and wrapped in combination with color bombs. Hope that helps you some as well.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,409

    Thanks for the tips on levels to play. Level 1955 is also a favorite of mine.

  • ryanla
    ryanla Posts: 4

    Level 1

    edited April 2020

    I think that you'll appreciate 1476 more since it gives you 60 (oops...50 now) moves and starts you off with at least 4-5 color bombs and 10 space ships (forgot to mention those in my original post)!

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    1476 Is good level if your in no rush as takes a bit of time to do with all the moves and crushing sprees, but very easy, but if you want to do things a little more quickly scroll back further you will find levels that suit can be done a lot quicker and are still easy. example 621 super easy and starts with 5 boosters and most of the time you get you make another 10 with the level but takes hell of lot less time than 1476, also good for colours as are 581 and 582 (red blocks) and 580 for hard level all in same part of map so when you get there no more scrolling. You may also find easier parts on map, these just suit me

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