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  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
  • sandigirl10
    sandigirl10 Posts: 8

    Level 2

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Thank you for your honesty, dear @Deryck 🙏

    And, yes! Any player will not receive the badge if they do not show their Level 4000 score OR map screen!

    It was set up like that as a default to receive the badge after we comment here. But, the Candy CM will be removing the badges to those who have not passed the level # 4000.

    It is easy to take away the badge from few people, than giving to many of them, because there will be many players (I am hoping) who have passed the level!

    Did I make sense 😄

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @Origins7_Dale 🤗

    Yes, my dear! The screenshot I need you to post is the one that comes up as soon as the level ends. If you see the score screen, it means that you have missed it.

    So, the time between the level ending and the score card showing is the important time -- which is a few seconds span. That's why I said, you have to be quick to grab the screenshot 😀

    Did I clarify all your questions? Please let me know if there is anything else ☺️

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @PummyRaj,

    Well thx.

    "So, the time between the level ending and the score card showing is the important time -- which is a few seconds span. That's why I said, you have to be quick to grab the screenshot 😀"

    Ok, got it. However like I said above:

    "Have to wait on "Dexter the Whale" from "Space Race", on the "Color Bombs" screenshot, since I finished it before this contest, & don't have it back yet."

    Thx Origins7 Dale,


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Great job @Freddy_Falkner and @sandigirl10

    Both of you have the super cute Dexter Badge in your Community Profile now 👍️ 🙌

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Yes @Origins7_Dale 🙂

    Just saw your above comment!

    That is true, the Space Race runs only from late Thursday / early Friday till Monday early hours.

  • Shwet_Goyal
    Shwet_Goyal Posts: 64

    Level 3

    Level 4000

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @mercerik

    Hope you and your family are doing fine and staying safe at home!

    Contests will run for all the Badges. It's only a matter of couple of months! For level # 6000, the contest should appear in the month of June and run till July.

    We want to make the contests fun as well as challenging. So, one badge and contest at a time per milestone levels 😄

    Hope this made sense and clarifies!

    Please stay safe & warm! 😷

  • yoph_1234
    yoph_1234 Posts: 165

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?