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Level 3374 - King cheating again ...

Well, at least the unlimited lives for the day during the global pandemic has proved one thing beyond any reasonable doubt - that is, Candy Crush is one of the most tedious ways to waste your time on the whole of the Internet. Level after level has taken about 50+ tries, some even more. If doing something over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over is meant to be fun and entertaining, then give the designers a huge pat on the back from me for a job exceptionally well done. Bravo.

It's pathetic to watch the program deliberately leave you so close to winning in the hope you buy some boosters to get that extra move you need. And if you sensibly refuse to donate any of your cash to this computer-rigged rubbish, then you will see the program try so desperately to let you pass, for fear you will give up altogether. Here, have a colour bomb, and another, and another, we are making it so easy for you now a trained monkey could do it. Rinse and repeat for the next level, and the next, and the next. I can state hand on heart that I have never been so bored playing an alleged "fun" game than ever before. There is no fun or entertainment just waiting for a program to let you win, where your skill is irrelevant. Instead, it is just a frustrating, stressful waste of time.

If COVID-19 doesn't kill you, then the sheer unadulterated tedium that is Candy Crush certainly will. In fact, being stuck on a ventilator for day is far more appealing than this tripe.

Oh, I digress. Back to the topic of the title. Level 3374 is impossible to win without boosters. And I mean impossible. This has been pointed out many times when the level first appeared and still it is the same. I am afraid it seems your claim that every level is beatable without boosters is not true. Apparently what I have read is this - the only solution to pass this nonsense is to combine two colour bombs together, and hope the program brings in two more together immediately afterwards. The saddest video of all shows a player using 16 hammers to get past. After an hour of mindlessly trying to clear a jelly that is constantly covered by a falling licorice, it is time to sit in the garden and watch the grass grow. Believe me, that is more entertaining than this rubbish.

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