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I have only one friend that's not showing up on my board. She all of a sudden disappeared!



  • Kay_dubb1
    Kay_dubb1 Posts: 6 Level 2
    @Crimson_Dawn I have an Android but the person who is missing has an iPhone.  She showed up once for one day on the map then disappeared again
  • craighayes82
    craighayes82 Posts: 2 Newbie
    I have a I phone 7. Do you have a link I phones please :) 
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741 Level 5
    Here is the link for iOS devices.
    Make sure you read it carefully. There are some warnings in there as well as important instructions. I hope it works!
  • PedroT
    PedroT Posts: 3 Newbie
    Kay_dubb1 said:
    @Crimson_Dawn I've had this problem for about a month.  I checked to leader board above(see attached photos).  She's on the "Rank" and "Level this week" tab but not on the actual "current level" tab.  I have a Galaxy 10.  But my main issues is me not being able to see her on the map.

  • PedroT
    PedroT Posts: 3 Newbie
    Exact same problem here! Troubleshooting didn’t work (reset phone, install/uninstall the app, update the app, nothing). Working on an iPhone X. Any clues? It’s ruining the fun!
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617 Legend
    edited September 2019
    @PedroT @Kay_dubb1 @craighayes82

    Hi there! Welcome to the Community!

    Not having your friends in the Opening Play Page is not really a big deal anymore. It has been like this for me for all my devices (Desktop, Laptops, iPhone 6+, iPhone 6s) since the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 to date. It does not impact my game at all. Since I don't have any control on this situation, I can change it, I can't do anything about it, what is the point of worrying? Besides, my friends still send me Lives even though I no longer send them any request whatsoever. If your friends totally disappear in your Progress & Leaderboard Page, then that is a different story. 

    Below is my iPhone 6+ Horizontal ScreenShot of my Opening Play Page. This is identical with my other devices. 

    Hope this helps! 

    Progress Page on Windows 10 CCS App
  • Kay_dubb1
    Kay_dubb1 Posts: 6 Level 2
    It's the fact that me and the friend that disappeared were in competition and she's totally invisible.  I saw her for a while before and I no longer can as of 3 months ago.  
  • torifn
    torifn Posts: 3 Newbie
    My father and I are friends on FB and I see him in most of the Candy Crush games but NOT the original game. He’s way past me on the board yet he’s not listed at the beginning of any of my levels and he’s not in the list if my friends to request a life from either. This has been going on for me for years now but he says he can see me in his game. He uses a computer web browser to play whereas I play on an iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPad Pro 3rd gen, iPhone 11 Pro. 
  • PedroT
    PedroT Posts: 3 Newbie

    Well, almost a year has passed and still no troubleshooting...

    Reached King through email and got an automated response...

    More people are getting this issue and no one does nothing about it. The truth is, that for many of us is more about the competition, rather than relaxing or just playing the game.

    I’d really love someone to see this thread and give some clue on how to get this solved.


  • DavionHK
    DavionHK Posts: 1 Newbie

    No answer? Same problem here

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