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Celebrate with us the Level 7000 in Candy Crush Saga! 🥳



  • sauren
    sauren Posts: 288
  • 6Brownsugar9
    6Brownsugar9 Posts: 132

    Good morning

    I'm very closr to 7000

    wish me a luck and give me 💖

  • sur_fisk
    sur_fisk Posts: 21

    Level 3


    I'm really happy for you.. and me!

    I've been crushing for years. Too many to count. After 5 years break in between with no smart phone, I decided to start from the beginning again. Now at 3071, so still a ways away from 7000.

    Though, I did get a nice surprise at 3000 :) , I do wish it was even more. Being this high up, I find it difficult to pass any level on the first try. Especially since the hard and super hard levels are appearing almost every other level. And I don't really notice the difference between hard and normal anymore.. because of that, I went from having a lot of boosters all the time to now having none most of the time.

    Could you pleeeeaaase mark this occation with raising the prizes you recieve for each thousandth level?? :D

    I'm hopeful <3

    The crush never dies!

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for coming around and celebrate the arrival of Level 7000 in Candy Crush Saga with the community! 🥳

    @sauren @6Brownsugar9 In order to participate in the contest and have the chance to win some gold bars, you need to post the screenshots in the contest area! Let me share the link with you:

    ➡️ Don’t miss out on the chance to win amazing rewards! Check out the community contest -> HERE.

    @sur_fisk ,

    warm welcome to the Candy Crush Saga Community! 🙌

    Appreciate your feedback. After receiving the community feedback in regards the level 6000 without reward, and for the level 7000, I'm happy to announce that, once completed, you will be receiving sweet rewards this time.

    Let me share with you a mockup of the in-game pop up:

    You've already passed level 3000 in the game! That's amazing! Keep levelling up and enjoying the crushing! 🍬🍬

    Have a delicious day everyone and see you around the forum!

  • sur_fisk
    sur_fisk Posts: 21

    Level 3


    Thank you! Happy to be here :)

    The pop up in ur pic is the same I got for 3000. I mean, yeah, it's a great gift! Some of the things you get, are almost impossible to obtain unless u purchase them.

    I rly don't want to seem ungrateful, cause I'm rly not. But I got just one of all those things in the picture. And my lesson from having eternal life last week was that I'm at a point where winning, or coming close to winning doesn't happen often.

    And since the bot now makes u lose ALL u've managed (if u've managed) to save, just after a single failure, I of course use the boosters when I have one move left and I see a way to win.

    Unfortunately, I'm still not able to save up on build a bot , nor .. i guess good enough .. to manage the levels without boosters. So everything is moving forward extremely slowly.. :(

    But I'm not giving up hope! :D

    On a happier note. Where could I post some ideas for the game's functions ?

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    @sur_fisk ,

    We have a dedicated area to gather all Candy Crush players ideas and suggestions in the forum.

    Please go HERE and share them with the community! Before posting your ideas/suggestions, don't forget to read this announcement: ➡️ Welcome to Ideas section - Please Read Before Posting

    Have a delicious day and happy crushing!

  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    By the way @sur_fisk ,

    Don't forget to check out our Forum Contest area HERE and 🥇🏆 to join the CCS Level Clubs and claim your exclusive Community badge. Let me share the link below:

    💪 Have you reached Level 1000? Join our 1000 Club HERE ! 

    💪💪 Join the Level 2000 club HERE

    💪💪💪 The Level 3000 badge is HERE! Join the club now!

  • nanarosah
    nanarosah Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Happy candy crush

  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,375

    Almost there!!

    Is there a badge for levels 5,000 and 6,000? I didn't get those yet.

  • yvonne150
    yvonne150 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Thank you for this useful information😊 It took me a few to navigate my way to the correct board CCS but I think I've got it now. I am happy to say I should have another level ready for me to back and conquer level 6898!

    It has been wonderful having candy crush saga during these very trying times♥️ Best of luck to all and happy crushing because the crush is real.

    Stay safe and healthy, and remember to wash those hands👐💙🇺🇸♥️

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