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Don't you wish everything can be like it was before ??

Pcakes Posts: 63

Level 3

edited April 2020 in Discussions

Back in those days that you entertaining was most valuable than your wallet .. I miss those sweet days … if you agree make a comment maybe we get notice .😏😲🙃🤞



  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    Help from friends mean life? Or ?

    currently there is unlimited life for phone users... hence do not really need life from friend anymore

    n just look forward... the lvls getting real hard as u advance up... hence it is normal for developer to make the game more n more challenging as time advances...

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

    I think most comments get noticed, then ignored, but keep talking just in case...

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    I also miss many things from the past and at times dream back to good old times, but time goes on and things change.

    Many new features to the game is in the making and I'll hope they will get you as entertained as we hope on later this year.

    Meanwhile we're all waiting for all new exciting sweet things, let's dream back to the good old times with Cher.

  • Bobcat_Bob
    Bobcat_Bob Posts: 26

    Music isn't as good as it used to be and the flavour of the stuff from the supermarket changes, but we live in a world that constantly evolves. Even you and I aren't the people we used to be, and on a personal level that's a great thing! We grow and change and so does everything, so I say embrace the change and try new things - who knows - the new version might just become your favourite! 😉

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Bobcat_Bob you maybe right in what you say and change can be good but its how you get there is the problem. People not disgruntled for no reason, major changes and plenty of them and nothing of note to replace any of them. I love the game played from nearly day one, but you have to be realistic at the moment game not where it should be and driving many players away. How many will leave before something is changed, could it then not be to late. personally put a lot of time and effort into many king games and could embrace change but lots of empty promises so far.

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

    Change is good when things evolve, not so good when they are destroyed.

  • Johnny_Crush
    Johnny_Crush Posts: 320
    edited May 2020

    Good old days!!!

    And then, they invented the Booster Bot which ruined everything...

  • grr
    grr Posts: 101

    It's fine to say new things are coming but that doesn't excuse taking away so many features now. Change for the better is good - we don't know when that will come. I just know the game is no fun the way it is long are we supposed to wait??????

    And that is assuming the new changes will even somewhat make up for all that has been taken away.

  • Bobcat_Bob
    Bobcat_Bob Posts: 26

    I definitely see your point, but I disagree that things aren't replacing them ("of note" being a matter of taste, I guess). New features are added all the time, though I completely understand they might not be your preference. Many players love the new features like Chocolate Box or Fantastic Five, so feelings are very varied.

    I'm old-school. Do you remember when there was ONLY the booster wheel? 😱😱😱😱😱

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