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Celebrate with us the Level 7000 in Candy Crush Saga! 🥳



  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Pounawea & The Level 7000 Group,

    Well finally made it, currently at Level 7012. However, also stuck here, because of a reported loop, so waiting on the fix to continue to the end.

    Here are my screenshots on reaching Level 7000.

    My Current Map Level 7012 - Stuck Here Due To A Reported Looping Issue - Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    You Did It - Level 7000 Gift - Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    My Map Level 7000 On Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    Level 7000 Score 304358 Sugar Stars Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    Well that's about it. Think the rest of it goes to:

    @Crazy Cat Lad

    7even! 7even! 7even! — King Community

    Many thx for having & hosting these contest for us. 😀

    Take Care Origins7 Dale,


  • Mimi_C
    Mimi_C Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hello! New Bee here 😍I just finished level 6995 and there are no more levels?

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308


    I just finished level 6995 and there are no more levels?

    Hey there, welcome to the forum.

    You're playing on a mobile (or maybe Apple) device; if you've got (access to) a Win(blows) 10 PC, you would have all available episodes/levels in it.

    Click here for more info...

  • Mimi_C
    Mimi_C Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Thank you so much! I'll check my laptop!

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308

    Sure thing...

  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,369

    I was also stuck at level 7012 due to the technical issue. There should be some sort of reward to make up for those who lost lives and bonus like I did. Hopefully more levels will come soon!

  • andyteo
    andyteo Posts: 18

    Level 2

    Currently on 7011, stuck for a while.

  • roughing
    roughing Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I made to the 7000 club at level 7014 now


  • Pounawea
    Pounawea Posts: 4,511

    Hello everyone,

    Congratulations on reaching and completing level 7000 in Candy Crush Saga guys! 👏🥳

    This week, we will be releasing this milestone level in all other platforms. Which platforms? Well, let's check it out the different Candy Crush Saga Levels per platform:

    • Facebook and mobile (Android, iOS and Amazon devices): 6965 Levels, 465 episodes
    • Win10: 7055 Levels, 471 episodes. 

    So, Candy players from Facebook and mobile devices, level 7000 is coming! Are you guys ready?! 🤩

    Don't forget to join us in this ongoing community contest:

    ➡️ Celebrate the arrival of Level 7000 in the game and don’t miss out on the chance to win amazing rewards! HERE.

    Have a delicious day and happy crushing! 🍬 🍬

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Pounawea & The Level 7000 Group,

    Well I did it. For the first time ever, reached the end of "Candy Crush Saga", at Level 7055. Now that I am where all the cool people are at, guess I'll have to leave the room. 😎

    Here are screenshots on reaching the end, for the 1st time. These are "Win 10 Pro - PC, Desktop App Screenshots".

    From above the Legend @Spieler_8675309, "if you've got (access to) a Win(blows) 10 PC, you would have all available episodes/levels in it." LOL

    My 1st End Of Game Announcement - Level 7055 - Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    My Score Level 7055 - 219260 - Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale

    My Current Map Level 7055 Candy Crush Saga - End Of Game For The First Time Ever - Origins7 Dale

    This is my 2nd King game on reaching the end, also at the end again on (CCSS) Candy Crush Soda Saga. I am at the end on these 2 games, because of all the work, tips, & help from these King Community Members. So many thx 1st, to the Kingsters. 😁

    *Stats Of Interest

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088 

    I only use Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App, for now. Yes, current on all updates on it.

    Win 10 Pro x64 - Version 1909 - OS Build 18363.836 *Updated on 5/12/2020!

    Live in USA.

    *On Candy Crush Soda Saga

    v1.168.200.0 Modified on 5/14/2020 

    No "Bubblegum hill" (BGH)! *Had it, but has not returned yet!

    From Superstar kiara_wael post: The Bubble Gum Hill appears only on the weekends. He comes on Friday late evening and goes back on late Sundays.

    No "The Noble and Royal Path!" yet with this update!

    At end of game again, Level 4916 (Finished Level 4915)

    *On Candy Crush Saga

    v1.1760.2.0 Modified 5/7/2020 

    *Been told, the "Space Race" runs only from "Late Thursday / Early Friday, Till Monday Early Hours."

    I now have "The Crush is Real!"

    Lucky Beans showed up on, 5/14/2020!

    Candy Crush Saga at Level 7055 *At The End Of Game For The First Time Ever On 5/18/2020!

    *References For Players

    Candy Crush Soda Wiki | Fandom

    Candy Crush Saga Wiki | Fandom 

    Many thx again for having & hosting these contest for us. 😀

    Take Care Origins7 Dale, 😀


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