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I left the game for about 2 months thinking when I returned King would fix their problems. Did they? No. The so called ''moderators'' give no credible help what-so-ever. I could send them 50k screenshots and they'd still fail abysmally. The King.com Mods repeat, annoyingly, the same drivel over, and over, and over, and over. THE MAP DOESN'T WORK. It's stuck in a continuous loop, never ending and unchanging.
First off shame of King for not caring. No wonder people walk away from this game. The King Community offers NOTHING in the way of viable solutions. I can delete the game and reload it to my laptop Windows10 and the same thing happens time and time again. The moderators shouldn't be offering advice when their game is broken and gone unfixed.
Secondly, I've typed this question of the MAP not working 5 TIMES!!!! Do the mods go back and check the questions I've typed? No. They are probably lazy and don't want to spend to much time on a person whom doesn't spend $$$ on this game. I challenge them to prove me wrong.
To all those who walked away from this game, Good For You!! Seeing as King.com/King/Mods don't do anything or provide anything useful. They'll probably ask me for the 5,000th screenshot and still have no answers. Sad, really. These people shouldn't have jobs!!
Retired Candy Crush User.
Hmm ok... maybe is time for u to try other king games ...
@MichaelRD Sorry to here you have had no help with your problem. Do know the superstars try to help but do not have the answers to every problem. some have to go upstairs to be sorted and others there are a continuing problem. Game is quite full of this problems at present .
Can i ask how you mean when you say map is in a continues loop. Sorry but do not quite understand what you mean on continuous loop
The map plays the same 5 ''episodes'' in a continuous loop. That is what continuous means. The level changes and progresses but doesn't go to a 'new episode' instead it just repeats the previous 5 episodes. And yeah I've supplied your ''superstars'' with plenty of screenshots/pics of the problem. If the so-called ''superstars'' bothered to read previous posts they'd see this.
@MichaelRD Im in no way as professional so if you have heard this before i apologise,but only trying to help. I play win 10 app among others and although i have never encountered this problem i did have an issue with facebook game causing me not to get some features on the win 10 app, So i had to clear the cache on Internet explorer to beginning of time and then restart my win 10 app. guess this would only have a chance of working if you have played via facebook but might be worth a shot.
It goes Lollipop Meadow, Lemonade Lake, Bubblegum Hill, Gummy Gardens, Fantastic Forest, Chocolate Mountain, Caramel Canyons, Soda Sea, Rainbow Reef, Sunny Swamp and finally BACK to Lollipop Meadow.
@MichaelRD the maps have been changed so it rotates every 10 episodes now so as long as you levels are going up correctly thats how it is since map was upgraded. you will notice a few other tweaks to the map
I have answered you before, the game map has been changed through the test group. The level pins will no longer have the level mode colours. Levels will be marked only as normal, hard or super hard.
So Candy Crush map just repeats and repeats and repeats. That sounds like a very boring game. I guess King knows how to turn off players. With that being said I'm glad I didn't spend my hard earned money on this riduculous game. Here is one person who will be leaving and for good.
Sincerely, an EX- player of King
Click here, maybe that will answer your question.
That's from one of the highest on the food chain that you're gonna have access to, accept it if you want...
Hi @MichaelRD !
I am so called "moderator" or something like that. May I ask what your issue in the game was in the first place? I didn't quite catch it?
Secondly, there's no error with the maps, as you may have figured out already.
The maps you have is the new version of the episodes that is being rolled out and should reach all players shortly.
There will be ten maps that rotates, but the maps will get updates frequently and some changes will be made on them now and then to keep them "alive". The maps may also change depending on the season, but no three brand new maps will be added to the game as before.
The reason behind the new ten rotating maps is that it gets the required memory to run the game down drastically. This means...
-We can continue to push out even more levels
-Do more frequent updates
-Add more features and events to the game
-Improve graphics and game effects
-The game will load faster for all players
-App will load better on old devices or devices with low specs
Dreamworld got removed of the same reason as above some years ago.