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I fail to see what the problem could possibly be unless the programmers have been tweaking it and there is a bug in it. The coding for Dexter was written a long time ago - it should be a simple case of just flicking the 'on' button.
Von, What do you play on? Computer, laptop, Ipad, mobile? What version of the operating system is it?
Ok, i'm asking what is temporary? There is an army of programmers at Stupidvision. Last time i asked about time was when they decided to use me as a lab rat. I asked how long and their pr people told me 30 days. Well guess what, 6 months later i was still a lab rat and not getting paid for it, so you can understand i don't believe much that comes from the lip service of King/Stupidvision. So how long is temporary?
Hi @GAR1952,
Can't answer "What is Temporary?", because I don't work for King. Sure @Freddy_Falkner, will let us know, when he gets more info.
For now tho, can say this. On the (CCSS) side of things, "Bubblegum Hill", came back, then was removed again, because of more tech. issue's. Been waiting months for it, how we get our boosters over there.
Things have been falling apart on King since this virus, it caught them & others by surprise. So launching all this new stuff, was bad timing. Add to this, they do not have a army of programmers working now. Last I heard, most are working from home. That alone can cause issues, no one to monitor or supervise you there. Along, with limited tools or resources at home.
Server issues. Right now have to sign out, sign in, multiple x, to get the Facebook Icon to stop spinning. Not a King issue btw. Some times game app freezes on me.
Said ages ago, this virus has more people on the web, thereby causing bottlenecks, game servers are running super hot now, can't handle all the requests. We just had over 22,000+ newbies added here at the Community. For like a week, been having issues even getting in, along with editor issues. Have to get your servers fixed first, in order to get the game info, etc... to the end user or player. Have skelton crews working on it, more work loads, etc...
Just put yourself in the other person's shoes, get a different perspective on things.
Now after saying all this, think I don't want my rewards? Been waiting over 2 weeks for 2 hours 30 mins., owed on the Candy Bomb, had 0000 on it, means once again, data not coming thru, server issues. So until that is fixed, makes no sense to do anything else.
Btw, it looks like the virus mutated (copying errors in genetics), can no longer get napkins or plates when I order pizza.
Well gtg.
Take Care All - Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hi @Von_3,
When Johnny Crush was here, recently. He was asked questions on all those boosters. One question was, "What happened to those 5000 or so Party Boosters / Piñata", he had a few months ago. Had like 2600 or so then. Said, he was burning them off, along with having other accounts. When a Community Manager asked, "how he got so many", Johnny said, "glitches in the game". Sure they have been patched up by now.
Just passing the info on.
I will say this tho, it is a different game when you are at the end. Almost, like we are being punished for getting to the end.
*See the link in my post above, on all the takeaways.
Take Care All - Origins7 Dale, 😀
I fully agree with you that the game does not favor those at the top of the chart. I have brought this up a few times but King is not listening. I am thinking of not playing for one mth to build up my booster and games number. More benefits if you are not at the top. Reason is that King will give you incentive to play on.. Those at the top King leaves alone. No more incentives given to carry on.
Orgy-dale, You don't work for king but have all this inside info, garbage. They have enough programmers to take away all the stuff they have taken. The virus hasn't limited my use at all. Not through facebook, my internet service or access to king's servers. Programmers can work from home with just as much precision as at the job site. Where did you get the info about 22000 new players if you don't work for king? Total garbage. You say the virus has mutated then give up your scientific data source and their results that show why you can't get napkins or plates. Your post is laughable! I'm retired but spent 45 years in medicine. As far as putting myself in someone else shoes these problem here were happening long before Covid 19 came along. You are spouting more useless lip service for King/Stupidvision which ever name they are going by today. Nice try but i'm not buying i
P.S. Since you have so much in with King (despite the fact you don't work for them) you never told me how long temporary means.
@pinlock, it's doable. There is a player that regularly complete the 45 levels in just over 3 hours. I get my episodes late on a Wednesday and if I have time on my hands, I complete by Thursday. I guess it is just lucky boards for me. I don't have a lot of boosters and use them sparingly. I also never made any purchases. I play on more than one device though.
Hope you get better luck with your game boards going toward.
Windows 10 Laptop. I do have a phone but too small to play CC on properly. I will try to get a screenshot so you can see the fantastic things I have to work with.