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🌈 🌟 The Rainbow Rapids Adventure event! [June 11th until June 17th]



  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Pitty_Kitty,

    Well thx for that. Mighty helpful.

    As far as this (RRA), didn't really have many issues. Been playing the rapids for like 3 weeks now. Think I had a couple of levels, had to use a popsicle hammer or 2 to clean up. Still came out ahead. Have to hit the side games hard, to get any boosters these days, along with teams.

    My "Nightmare", was at:

    How many levels are in Candy Crush Saga? Information per platform - Page 39 β€” King Community

    On Levels 7233 & 7234 in the game.

    Was too tired to finish the post. But on Level 7234, forgot I had won the fish booster, they kept coming in, to hit the magic mixers, until I finally, unchecked them. LOL The simple things, huh.

    Well take a look, have a giggle or 2 on this. Can always learn from other people's losses.

    Take Care Hon - Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    @Pitty_Kitty thanks for the detailed explanations but I still find it difficult to clear stage 2, level 4. Do you have any special tips to share here with us? πŸ€“TIA.

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    @Origins7_Dale thank you very much for the heads-up, I'm almost there, just 100 levels behind because I recently cleared 7130

    @wykoon Hi! For level 4 I'd suggest to start moving beneath the faucets at the very extremities, the ones over the chocolate lines so maybe with a bit of luck 3 hits can destroy chocolate. My impression was that the faucets at the far ends are not as trigger-happy as the central ones are, unless I actively "tickle" those faucets by making moves beneath; this happens probably because they don't have much space to drop candies into.

    The lateral faucets are important because the lateral rainbow springs have more chance to be freed by boosters above than by manually clearing the region nearby since the frosting blockade has to be cleared first. So doing all of this this helped me clear almost all chocolate rapidly and some of the central frosting by collateral damage; besides, insisting on "tickling" the faucets until a cascade of striped candies drop can help in attacking en masse the panel below.

    Then, what was really helpful to me was managing to make a wrapped candy and a striped one drop from the central faucet into the panel so I could make a combo.

    These are my tips, I hope they can be helpful :)

  • King_admin
    King_admin Posts: 3,982
    This discussion was created from comments split from: 🌈🌈 Rainbow Rapids - new feature!!.
  • renamifsud2
    renamifsud2 Posts: 231

    I managed to do the third level stage but so hard and in need of boosters

    as I had timed boosters that was ok to use

    but not going to use the hard earned boosters for three other simple boosters

    if you really want us to earn boosters

    first you should do the levels easier to play

    or let us use the boosters from built a bot

    my suggestion

    it’s hard enough not having the sugar drops anymore which was so fun playing it twice a day and collect at least ten boosters each session

    please get us something like sugar drops t

    thank you

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Thanks again for the detailed explanation @Pitty_Kitty Will try out once I've reached it. I agreed that it's important to clear those chocolate block and hopefully will get the vertical striped candy drop πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  • jamilsidiq
    jamilsidiq Posts: 5,298

    Mr wykoon.. thanks for understanding πŸ˜‹

  • jamilsidiq
    jamilsidiq Posts: 5,298

    Good afternoon to all my candy crush saga friends πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’žπŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,487

    I haven't gotten this feature. Is there a delay in the rollout to Android tablets? I also never got the new build-a-bot feature. Any ideas or suggestions @Community_Team ? I believe my game has been updated to the latest version.

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