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level 842 in 13 moves is not possible

cozy999 Posts: 1

Level 1

I have used boosters and had a lot of luck with colourbombs and stripes to clear a lot on screen, but I am still a long way short of completing with only 13 moves. Please give everyone just a few more moves otherwise we will all just have to give up playing because we cant go any further!


  • 56464
    56464 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    That is a bit rude actually I have to say really rude!!!!!!!!
  • chinotto73
    chinotto73 Posts: 7

    Level 1

    fare livelli così dove non si può intervenire e pensare che entro 1 mese ti fa passare è da stupidi. se lo passi non sei bravo ,sei stato solo fortunato. se non sei fortunato hai finito di giocare con questo gioco.complimenti allo stupido che ha inventato questo quadro 4/5 finora incrociati così
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    Hello @cozy999 and welcome to our friendly community.  I noticed Build a bot is back.  I would start with a full build a bot.  Not only will it give you 3 extra moves, but it will put 2 CBs and 2 stripes and wraps on the board to help clear the board.  Sometimes in the case of really difficult levels you have to wait for that lucky board (or sometimes a hammer or hand switch also come in handy if you have any available).

    Don't give up - I'm sure you will manage to pass this level, but it may take a few tries.
  • Kate108
    Kate108 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    cozy999 said:
    I have used boosters and had a lot of luck with colourbombs and stripes to clear a lot on screen, but I am still a long way short of completing with only 13 moves. Please give everyone just a few more moves otherwise we will all just have to give up playing because we cant go any further!

  • Kate108
    Kate108 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    I have 18 moves, but that’s not any better, trust me! It’s just impossible. You can’t control what’s coming out, so it’s a pure luck. Those “tutorial” videos are just lots of rubbish, as how you supposed to plan moves if don’t know what you get? Sometimes I just waste half of the moves on pointless matching, as no other options available 🤦🏼‍♀️ What a nonsense. Please, just stop using us as guinea pigs and give people choice whether or not they want to participate in an experiment or just play a “normal “ level. Seriously, I’m just about to lose my patience and uninstall the game completely. Manipulating humans isn’t nice, just so you know. And feeling being manipulated is even worse. Hope you pass this to developers. Thanks 
  • Kate108
    Kate108 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    Don't give up - I'm sure you will manage to pass this level, but it may take a few tries.
    You’re having a laugh 😆 “a few tries” is not the same as being stuck forever with no slightest hope to move forward. If I really need just “a few more” tries, than it makes the game interesting. But in this case it’s just hopeless.

    I believe, the purpose of any game is to Entertain, not to annoy and make feeling fed up. 
  • DeeDeeSorci
    DeeDeeSorci Posts: 10

    Level 2

    There is a fine line between CHALLENGING and FRUSTRATING and this level unfortunately is beyond frustrating! It's not fun to keep playing the same level day after day losing every time ! 13 moves isn't enough even if your playing strategically!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,794

    Hi and Welcome to our Community

    Level 842 increasing live with 18 moves

    This level has medium difficulty and you need to use good technique to complete this level. For this level you should try to play from the bottom and break the blockers. As you have more candies to play then try to make colorbombs and break colorbomb with any color candy so you can have more other same color candies that will help to make more colorbomb to reach the target.

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi all of u guys level 842 is not impossible.

    Check the screenshot below i cleared in 2nd attempt without using any booster.

    But i was given 18 moves not 13 as u described. In my opinion 18 moves are enough to complete the job not 13. So i will request @Sukanta_Biswas To check this level and report it and try to get 18 moves back.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @DeeDeeSorci This level changed to 18 moves a while back, would check your game is up to date and log out and restart your device then log back in. See if this resolves your problem.

    What app are you playing the game on ?

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