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[Finished] ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Let's continue with... the story of Misty! Help us creating a great story!



  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    There once was a unicorn named Misty. She was proudly wearing her horn on the day that โ€œThe Great Scrambleโ€ happened, but it fell off during all the commotion.ย She knows itโ€™s around somewhere, but doesnโ€™t know exactly where.ย Adorned with temporary horns usually found by Tiffi, Misty accompanies her companions through their Candy matching adventures, intent on finding her horn along the way. Little does Misty suspect though that the Bubblegum Troll actually found the horn on the day of โ€œThe Great Scramble.โ€ He just picked it up and socked it away in his bubblegum pocket. He has it on his special vanity shelf in his cave under the bridge where he occasionally puts it on his head and imagines himself in all kinds of fashionable poses.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Misty go to the cave and fight with the troll, use her force and conviction and get back her horn. Misty go to the cave and ask troll about the horn.

    Misty tells troll to give back her horn. Please give me my horn back," Misty says.

    Instead of giving her the horn, he throws a wad of bubblegum her.

    The gum stick did not impact anyone. Misty kept begging for his horn back.ย 

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Misty decided to go to the Bubblegum King's castle and ask him to get the crown back from his son.

    But when she got to the castle no one was there. Misty has to get help so she calls Tiffi.

    Tiffi all in on helping Misty get her horn back and she grab some Jelly fish to go investigate on exactly where the crown is

    The jelly fish go about eating and eating and hoping to find the magical unicorn horn

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Misty is not happy with the temporary horn made from lollipops and calls Tiffi for more help

    Tiffi tells Misty that they have to prank Bubblegum Troll so they think of ways to prank him.

    So both tiffi and misty were podering over ideas to prank bubblegum troll when they saw......

    Yeti, who then hit the Bubblegum Troll on the head for stealing the unicorns horn, but only after taking pictures...

    Dazed and confused he droped Misty's horn and run off with the photo and camera

    Yeti picked up the horn and started chasing after Bubblegum Troll not realizing he had found Misty's missing horn.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3

    Level 1

    As Yeti was chasing after Bubblegum troll something magical happened, the horn suddenly disappears. ( next player please follow on).

  • SabaZohaib
    SabaZohaib Posts: 25

    Level 3


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    It has to be Genie Jellybeanie making it disappear so how can Misty find it?

    ( next player please follow on).

  • QuinandBen
    QuinandBen Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Misty sets out on a journey to find her horn, from oceans to mountains; she will not be deterred.

  • Gilly1926
    Gilly1926 Posts: 110

    Misty is confused about where to find her horn. She knows that it has to do with the Genie Jellybean but where does she even start. Misty is thinking she needs to call on her friends to help her out. Of course she is worried but what mystical fantasy creature like Misty wouldn't be worried after all her horn is so special and makes her what she is. Mmmm she thinks and thinks and then says (next player please follow on)

  • QuinandBen
    QuinandBen Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Misty says she will seek the Oracle to help her in her quest.

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