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You rarely get any boosters. Why?

kevin72 Posts: 3

Level 1

edited July 2020 in Discussions

Candy crush use to be a fun game. I've played for quite a few years and enjoyed playing. All of a sudden you guys have really taken all of the fun out of it. Use to be you could go back to easier boards and build your robot. Not anymore! Now if you do get lucky and build your robot it completely goes away after you lose 1 life. You rarely get any boosters when you start a board. No extra life spins. It's sad because now I can get on here and play 1 or 2 life's and I'm ready to quit. I know it's all about you guys trying to get more people to spend money. I think in the long run all that's going to happen is you are going to run off players like me. I'm trying not to delete but it's getting very hard not to.


  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited July 2020

    Hey there, welcome.

    Some features have been removed from the game and some changes have been made to improve the game...


    Disregard that script, as it's complete & utter rubbish.

    But read the first post here to find out what's going on, then click here & here (if you wish) to read all about how the opinions/votes of a multitude of players get stifled in order to perpetuate the greed & profit of King/Activision Blizzard.

    Yep, you already see the writing on the wall.


    And here's a bonus thread about the free spin (once every 48:00) issue...

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946

    Hello @kevin72 and a warm welcome to our wonderful King Community. I know there have been quite a few changes to the game, all part of a major makeover for one of the oldest and longest running King games. There are features long time players definitely miss (like board reset, sugar drops and using build a bot on previous levels), but there are also some fun new things including a 10 minute boost of an extra booster (like a hammer or switch or even a make your stripe candy) that you get along with your daily calendar reward, and other perks depending on which crown you get for an episode (bronze, silver, gold or diamond). There are also fun rainbow Rapids levels once you reach the 7000s, the graphics of some of the blockers have been revamped as well as the overall layout of the game to make it more friendly. You have the Fantastic Five teams that soon everyone will be able to create their own team (my team is doing great and we get all 3 sets of prizes about every 4-5 days). Also Dexter is still around and you can get gold bars for winning the episode race. The studio is continuing to tweak the game to make it more fun and challenging for the players (there are a lot of players out there who enjoy a good challenge).

    So I hope you continue to play and enjoy the game and if you haven't tried them, you may like some of the other King games like Candy Crush Friends, Soda and Jelly or even something totally different like Diamond Diaries, Bubble Witch 3 or the Pet Rescue games.

    Now that you have found the community - I encourage you to stay and explore, meet new people from around the world who share your love for the various King games, make new friends, get help on difficult levels, share tips and tricks you have picked up, enter contests ad just have a lot of fun!

    BTW - Superstars are not King Employees, we are volunteers who love the games and the Community and are just here to help other players and have some fun.

  • Merc1182
    Merc1182 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Not fun anymore. You removed any and all features that had me play for hours, and I’m at 4327. I cannot climb the bot thing past one win. Always loses by second level. No booster spins no extra lives after the game ends. Barely play anymore

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308
    edited July 2020


    Not fun anymore...

    You've seen what that super★ wrote up there, & bless her ♥ for putting as positive a spin on it as possible; but you already know.

    Long live King...

  • kevin72
    kevin72 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I just don't get how you can say that you are making major changes to make the game better. From all the responses that I have read nobody thinks it's better. I'm sorry but I got on earlier today and played like 3 lives and just gave up. I use to not be able to get enough. But go ahead make these great changes and wonder later way your ratings drop.

  • mandrak
    mandrak Posts: 202

    I totally agree with you@kevin72 For me@bearwithme and another superstar if they really love ccs and they just volunteers and not king employee they must be first to criticise king because like you say the most players are frustrated and they don’t like changes. They are probably play game from beginning so see how players unhappy with changes. So I don’t believe they are just volunteers because they just copy paste answer and tell us about great changes. I really love this game and I think the most of players and I know that I never never tell the players that’s changes what king gonna make it is good for players. Never

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,946

    Hello @mandrak, I have spoken up about some of the changes in the past and even started some threads inviting player discussions and votes to bring some features back. However in the past 6-8 months I have seen how the studio really is trying to ‘freshen up’ the game and have made a lot of changes. More than I can remember since I started playing over 7 years ago.

    Players have left the game, especially some long time players who were used to the way it was and don’t like or want the changes. But there are plenty of new players or other players who continue to enjoy and play the game. Millions of people worldwide play Candy Crush Saga

    The bottom line is the game is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. It’s a personal choice to play or not to play any of the games and also whether you are willing to spend any money on the game or not. I’m glad you really love this game and I hope you continue to play it

    We welcome open discussions about the game between players. That is one of the reasons why the Community was formed. I wish all of you the best, whether you continue to play CCS or not and hope you enjoy your time in the community.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?