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🕵️ 🏆 Spot the differences and have a chance to Win Gold Bars in CCS! (ENDED)



  • cotton42378
    cotton42378 Posts: 33

    Level 3

    The goats tail

    the tear on the catapiller

    the horn of the unicorn

    the bubblegum trolls hair

    tongue on the troll

    martins chest

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    The tail of Jimmy the goat is longer

    The hairs of Bubblegum Troll

    Allen The Alien has no smile.

    Allen The Alien is holding something different.

    The tongue of Barry El Sasquatch Misty The Unicorn's horn has different colors

    Boomer The Bumble Bee's nose Caterpillar's Tear

    8 differences, I don't know if there can be more

  • justincromer
    justincromer Posts: 70

    Level 3

    Missing piece on the chest of the little eye dude.

    Tail piece missing on the goat.

    Unicorn is different color horn.

    Tongue sticking out of little lion troll.

    Little caterpillar is crying.

    Bumblebee s nose.

    Curly piece on head of pink ghost.

    Part of foot of tiffi is cut out of pic.

    All I can see, lol 😎

  • Acua
    Acua Posts: 22

    Level 3

    A la cabra le falta un pedazo de cola

    Al unicornio su cuerno le falta los colores

    Y al gusano le falta la gota de lágrima

  • someone4me
    someone4me Posts: 34

    Level 3

    Unicorn horn, tail on cow on house, the pig boy has his tongue out, tear on Caterpillar

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,253

    Hi 👋 and thanks to all that have taken part so far.

    Those who havnt used the spoiler please check page 1 for guidance on how to do this and then repost you're answer to be within a chance of winning 👍🙂

  • christine120490
    christine120490 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Honey dragon's tail

    Unicorn's horn

    Allen's smile

  • kriseward
    kriseward Posts: 109
    1. Goats tail is different
    2. Pink nasty guy's hair
    3. Martian diamond on chest
    4. boy is sticking out his tongue
    5. Unicorn's horn
    6. worm has a tear drop
  • Marzia333
    Marzia333 Posts: 1,755

    1.The tail of the horse which is sitting on the house is different [I don't know its name]

    2.The caterpillar is crying in the second picture

    3.The Alien kind of creature does not have a smile on his face in the first picture.[I dot know his name too...I am really very sorry]

    4.The horn of misty is different in color in the first picture.

    5.The creature next to misty has its tongue out in the second picture.[I don’t know its name] @KimElston

    Thank you dare for tagging me @KimElston

  • 228134
    228134 Posts: 13

    Level 2

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