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Level 2


  • We have the same problem with the speed of some other players. We played non-stop for 4 days, used lots of gold, and our score against the opponent was over 400k. Yet, she managed to pass us once, even though we used gold almost in every game level, including the hard and difficult levels.
  • Yep, It is investment :)
  • Not for one day, but for the whole journey from the start of the competition. The main key to winning this contest is speed, and in the final, you are not able to do it just with your mind, so you need the fastest way to pass to the next level. Timing is the goal of the competition.
  • Well, I spent 600 euros to be on top for the whole way, so good luck to the other players. It was really hard work. Special thanks to John and ttri; they are really monsters (good players)!!! - ttri, I hope you will win this "rush"

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