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Banished Level 3


  • I voted: taking a break, but I may not be back soon or ever come back. I have been playing Candy Crush since the game was born, so to speak. Completed each new episode every Wednesday after patiently waiting for the whole week. Currently on a "level impossible" 14588. Will probably remain here until eternity. I cannot play…
  • I'm right there with you tanaiya02. I have been stuck on level 14587 for two weeks and start with the 3 boosters at the beginning of the play level every time and I cannot win this level. I have no gold bars and I have no way of earning any since I cannot move on. The chocolate box gives no gold for me. I do not have any…
  • I am still stuck on last weeks levels. Most levels are impossible without gold bars (I have none) or lots of UFO's. I lost interest. No way to earn gold bars if you cannot pass a level. Chocolate box took away gold bars also. Just too frustrating.
  • Yes, feedback means nothing, like talking to a brick wall. I have been playing this game since it originated and was happy to enjoy some relaxing time playing Candy Crush. It saddens me to realize the fun is gone and this game will never be the same again. I remember it was once stated that all levels could be won without…
  • From the very first level 14421 it is nothing but blockers, blockers and more blockers! Without using lots and lots of boosters one does not even have a chance. The levels have become boring because without blasting away with all the boosters you can muster up, the game just goes on and on repeating and getting nowhere.…
  • I have been requesting lives and sending lives to all my friends for the past few weeks but I never receive any lives back. My life count only reduces it never increases. I request lives multiple times a day but no change.
  • Hi there, My count is 16 total trophies. Banished
  • That's what I said earlier about these levels not being looked into. There have been way to many lately. The title of this is "We Want Your Feedback" but our feedback is totally ignored. You are not taking feedback to The Powers That Be! If we just wanted to chat with you about the weather we would not be coming to this…
  • I second this motion. I do not believe the moderators really do anything to help to get our complaints to the design team. If they did, we would not continually be having these problem levels. There have been way too many levels like the ones you have mentioned that cannot be won without spending gold to by moves. I have…
  • This is correct. Same glitch with 14277 without gold bars one cannot win. Not enough pink gum is produced by magic mixer in the given moves. Seems like King wants me to win now because the game sends many many boosters my way during the game but alas, the problem is not clearing the board but collecting the pink gum of…
  • Why give feedback?....Episodes come and go and the same old things keep happening over and over again. Same old complaints and designers not listening. Level 14277 needs to be adjusted. Players should not need to buy more moves. Games should be amended when these "mistakes" happen.
  • On Level 14239 I think the developers used a little bit too much overkill in the use of blockers. It is impossible to clear this one without boosters or extra moves. The developers know this and are just making fools out of us players. Now I am beginning to feel like a fool continuing to play this game. We are being played…
  • As usual, same as before in previous episodes, the order to be collected never falls...14204. This is done on purpose just to hold us up. There is just no way to make the order fall more quickly. Therefore, not enough moves available. No point in even trying.
  • level 14089 is just more of the same old complaint. Play and play but never enough moves and never near enough licorice is ever generated no matter how much one tries. The first episode this week was ok but it just never fails there is always a about 5 levels that never can be won because of not enough moves.
  • I have grown tired of the many levels, for example 14050, where the licorice and chocolate cannot be collected before the amount of moves run out. This is too frustrating for me and I am growing tired of trying to complete the level knowing it is impossible to win without buying extra moves. Still have not passed this…
  • I was searching for the same question. I have the 10,000 badge on my icon but it never changed to 20,000 and I am now over 30,000. I do not have that setting under features either. Does that mean I will never get a new badge?
  • Thank you for the reply. I have finished the episode after taking a break. I really do not know what happened but got it after a short break.☺️
  • Level 11767 will not allow the fruit to drop. Cannot use the switch booster on this level as it will not activate. Please advise if there is a problem with this level.
  • I am stuck on level 11767. The hand switch will not activate and the fruit will not drop down to the arrows. I have tried numerous times. Please advise.
  • I was on level 10280 when I did the uninstall and I remained at that level upon reinstall. It could not have gone smoother . I was totally surprised as I had prepared myself for the worst. Happy crushing.

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