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Level 2


  • Hi Gail, thank you so very much for posting this information. Do you mind if I quote you in any new messages that I come across with the same issue? if you are going to give credit to someone please scroll up to the top and give credit where due - thank you
  • I'm having the same issue. It goes through the first two orange loading screens then shows the blue loading screen with the short music blurb and then nothing. I'm using Chrome(whatever the latest version is for Chrome) on a Windows 10 computer. It started last week for me but I couldn't tell you exactly what day. I've…
  • im having the same problem think it been called Blue Screen of Death really is frustrating yes thats it the blue screen of death !!!!
  • Hi there, Thanks for reporting this and really sorry for the inconvenience. As Elsa mentioned we will need more info in order to be able to investigate further. Could you please let us know which browser you are playing on? Does it work when you try on another one? Thank you very much! Mia I have the same issue not loading…

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