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Lynn_PS Level 2


  • Hi Lynn- Thanks for posting on King Care. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We value the thoughts of our loyal players. Here at King we are always working hard to keep our games fun and exciting. This means that from time to time we may tweak certain levels. Thanks again for the feedback,…
  • Hi guys, The Development Team is working on the solution and I will update you as soon as possible. Kindly disregard that this thread has been marked down as solved. Unfortunately it is currently not possible to change the status of the thread. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, - Mark, Team King…
  • Hi guys, The Development Team is working on the solution and I will update you as soon as possible. Kindly disregard that this thread has been marked down as solved. Unfortunately it is currently not possible to change the status of the thread. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, - Mark, Team King…
  • Hi guys, The Development Team is working on the solution and I will update you as soon as possible. Kindly disregard that this thread has been marked down as solved. Unfortunately it is currently not possible to change the status of the thread. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, - Mark, Team King…
  • Was 5 extra moves enough? I am finding I am only getting down to about 30 of each left
  • I would like to know where the answer is from the people at King? Don't care obviously
  • And when the time runs out they "do you want to purchase more time" popup covers the whole board so you can't see how many you have left and if it is worth purchasing more time anyway. Not that I have come close but like to see anyway.
  • waste of time having this site. They are not getting the feedback and if they are they are not listening. And why don't they answer you? This level is ridiculous.
  • Dear King, Is there a reason why this complete episode has been made ridiculously difficult. You are going to lose a lot of loyal players.
  • skill level zero. luck 100% boring yawn!!!!!! Only once have I been able to get one of the colours under 100. When I say (I) i mean the cascading. Even if they got rid of the ridiculous liquorice would still be very difficult. Honestly don't know why I keep playing clearly not fun any more
  • These are the levels that do not allow boosters when playing through facebook. That includes spending gold bars on extra time. Please take notice and fix. I wasted gold bars twice. 2781 2784 2786 2789 2791 2793 2795. Whole episode not tested obviously
  • Not only on level 2791 it happened to me twice when playing through facebook. I had no option for boosters to start and when I tried to purchase extra time with gold bars it took the gold bars and timed out anyway. So being a gluten for punishment tried it again in another one of these ridiculous timed levels and it did…
  • the arthritis in my hand is so painful right now. What idiot decided to go so many (or even any) timed levels. Some young idiot just out of uni with fully working digits.
  • I eventually passed but had to use hammers and switches. Then 2750 is no better. Could only pass by using boosters. (hammers mainly) When you make your colour bombs make sure you leave them until the end, more points that way.
  • Finally got close so I decided to use some swappers and hammers to clear the board. Hooray got all the Jelly and cherries down. But wait there's more. Jelly ticked. Cherries Ticked. But board not complete. Says I need to clear one more. SO I think well if I use gold bars to get extra moves it might clear. Wrong. So big…
  • i had no problem with this level only took 2 or 3 times. Now level 2622 is a different story :(
  • Ditto to that Bruce. I did eventually pass 2443 with a bulk amount of boosters. I am now at 2448 and totally agree. One move reshuffle. One move reshuffle. One move reshuffle. No skill just getting that lucky board to allow you to get the keys. This will be my last week. I have decided I want my life back.
  • ridiculous level. Where is the skill? zero even had and used the colour twice in one go and still over 100,000 short. I really am over this. Don't know who is thinking these up but they need to bring back the old candy crush versions that we all enjoyed
  • I had to use gold bars twice to get through this level. I can't be spending days doing timed levels over and over because of the arthritis in my hands. Then I get to level 2205 and thats a ditto of level 2199 WTF. King seriously
  • It's actually level 2199 not 2198 and the most I have gotten is about 60K. When done king another ridiculous level. So you have one move and no more moves so you have to sit and wait while it reshuffles winding down time. Oh and not to mention the bombs. The Gaming team needs a serious overhaul

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