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Miten_Jain Level 2


  • @Freddy_Falkner what is weird is that it used to work until a few weeks ago and then suddenly stopped showing up. My levels on the iPhone have become harder (sometimes giving me less chances to pass a level than it gives me on the iPad to cross the same level). I don't get play at the end of levels either. Something seems…
  • Thank you @Glenn1972 . The games are synced and at the same levels. I even get gold bars on crossing on passing levels regardless of the device. It is just that build a bot and weekend contest only show up on iPad but not on iPhone. Any advice would be useful.
  • Hello, My game stopped giving the jelly rewards (ones that you can get every 8 hours) two weeks ago. I have tried resetting the game a few times to no avail. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
  • Hi Miten, sorry for the delay in responding but thank you for writing us here at King Care. Are you still having this issue? Do you still need help? Unfortunately when playing the game on a mobile device all boosters and lives are saved just to that device so that you can play the game offline. So any crashes, IOS updates…

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