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Peggy-6 Level 2


  • I do not want to leave my team. I just want as fair chance as I had before and I still feel this is unfair. Please explain better this trick you speak of.
  • I think this is very unfair to most people. I will never be in on the winnings of the cake again because by the time I get home from work the cake is either baked or all the easiest pieces are gone. So not fair to a long time player. Can you please explain the fairness in this?
  • I am having the same problem.
  • Is there anything more disappointing than watching the timer count down because you have used up your 20 daily lives but still have lives in your inbox. I still send lives daily to my team but I don't bother asking for any. I find that I am not very interested in playing as much as I used to and I can see that falling even…
  • Thanks for your response. I will absolutely stick by what I say. It is too bad that it has come to this as I didn't mind spending money on the game because it gave me a little bit of entertainment. Oh well, my other game will be happy to get my money and not restrict my playing time.
  • I am having the same problem, very annoying. I have to keep closing and re-opening the game
  • Thank you for clarifying that for me.
  • My ID is 1031826991. Mine is also not working properly. I will not be spending any money on King games until this issue is resolved
  • I did not mind spending money on the game after all that is how these games exist. They need money to keep the game going and to make a profit. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the game not giving anything back which makes me think I am being ripped off, so I stopped spending money on this game…
  • I am a new-ish player. Level 1887. I feel with the timed boosters that I am at a disadvantage with the older players. They had all the great boosters to achieve the level that they are at. While I was getting those daily boosters I had no problem spending money as I felt the game was giving something back. Now with the…
  • Ok, so they are not listening and don't seem to care what the majority is saying. I for one will not spend another cent on this game until the devs get rid of the timed boosters. Total money grab. There are too many games out there that are fair and I will support them by spending my money on them.
  • I have decided that I will no longer spend money on the game until the timed boosters are gone. I feel that the game is no longer giving anything back. GET RID OF THEM.
  • I do not like these timed boosters as they seem to arrive just when my lives run out or I am at a level when they are not relevant so they are wasted. I spend money on this game and always felt like I was getting something back with the permanent boosters. I am not spending as much until I see a change in this. I feel like…
  • Thank you for replying Xarly. I look forward to the fix and really appreciate your attention to the players. I will continue to enjoy the game.
  • Hi there, first time in the forums. I love this game and play it daily. It is one of the only games that I spend money on because the devs give to the players. I have decided that I will not be spending on this game again until I see the gumball machine return or some other perk for the players. You cannot consistently…

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