Could be the group BUT I suspect the speed up button is default functionality. We will have to see on Monday and after any patch if it changes over, which I suspect it will. It will likely be awhile for the Shuffler to replace the speed up button at 500 if they go with it instead.
Mostly if there was any concern that there was some hacking or the like going on. Basically to just confirm it just being bugged code that also happens to have another bug with it.
Lol that would 100% be something a programmer added. It is 100% a name a bored programmer would come up with. I would guess it is from a loading/retrieving error and there is a default avatar used to keep something from breaking on King's side. That being said, you should never see these sorts of things so something is…
It will get better Monday. There is an ongoing competition going on so the game is artificially made more difficult. (a-c-o-m-p-e-t-i-t-i-o-n is causing moderation)
Ya… was thinking maybe that had said something useful but talk about a canned response. Not sure, but maybe someone like QueenB can help move it along.
Naw screen recording tools are a support staff thing. Only time we record is meetings and rarely. As for the Xbox Game Bar, Mircosoft already trying to get far more telemetry data than they should haha. I will have to try and get a SS when I suspect it might happen. Ya but that would be a very specific situation where…