Good Morning ... I have some questions on some ofthe games. I have spent a lot of time searching for the way to post them but ... I wish this site had simple, clear buttons for posting. Anyway, here is the big one at the moment. I am playing the Race game and am in the Champions Race. Here is my standing at the moment:…
The reason I am complaining is that I might win or be awarded some booster for a short time - 5 minutes, 15 minutes - whatever, and before I can take advantage of them, I am forced to sit thru the irritating Candy Royale loading and then after I lose the life, have to sit thru being told I have bounced out of the game. I…
I also am not a fan, altho I cannot figure out how to simply cast my vote. What I liked about the old box was that I could cycle thru the options and choose one that I could complete. And if I was on a level that had, for example, no licorice, then I could change. Now I get three choices. I have no way to know in advance…
Defintely not a fan. You get three chances to change the task, but you cannot go back to a task once you have viewed it and decided to keep looking. I used to like this a lot -- if I played enough, I could get the candy box each time. But now I cannot complete the tasks that I get stuck with. It was much better before. I…
I tried to take a little video to show what I mean by things that previously didn't move now moving, and things that are visually different now match. I cannot export it here because my computer saved it as mp4 and youonly allow mp3 extensions. Sorry.
Count me in as very irritated with the new display. I also have problems seeing the new narrow format. And now another change in display. Now I see a road with the next few steps and that's it. It is beyond frustrating. I delayed writing here because I was hoping it was a trial or temporary format. Buut now they have made…
The graphics went back to normal and I completed the level. And then this morning I find this: Screen shot when I start the new level It appears I need to clear all the jelly and there will be chocolate. Here is screen shot when I start the game: There is no visible chocolate (and none under the jelly either). I have no…