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ontgt55 Level 2


  • Obviously this is a way for King to boost their revenue by players having to pay for lives instead of receiving from friends. #greed
  • It’s now May 2022 and the same issue still exists… came here to see if others had it as well. Design flaw or just developers trying to be funny 😆 idk
  • Agreed - had all cleared except licorice- only way to beat would be to buy moves with gold until enough dropped... not happening
    in Level 6854 Comment by ontgt55 April 2020
  • Not yet either
  • Can they increase the size of the envelope (I play on the iOS platform) that shows the number of requests you have. I’m having to take a screen shot and zoom in to see the number...
  • iOS platform also had 15 levels added today as well....just wish iOS matched the number of levels on Windows! Thanks for the additional levels today though!
  • Looks like they’ll be hearing from the players on iOS platform today... this issue is not fixed... I’ve experienced the exact issue, tried to see I an update was available, etc.. to no resolve
  • Focus on top key next to choc maker first, Once you open up the key, the chocolate will cover and open the next, etc... then ensure the middle blocks get taken out. The top one was the most challenging at first. It took me a few tries to get through the first time but I just got through again on my first try back. It’s…
  • We’ve all recognized that the ‘fix’ is only a benefit for the company as it makes it more challenging for the players (and I assume the company wanted to entice more players to spend money). I’ve also been playing since the games inception and have never spent a penny but am at the top of the game (for my platform) each…
  • As most that have commented, I also disagree with the recent change and would like the ability to back out of a level without losing a life and my boosters. Since this is NOT the first time this has happened, I’d like to understand why the change occurred in the first place (something that has not been addressed yet).…

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?