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snowcrab Level 2


  • PrettyBubbles- if that’s true then wouldn’t it make sense to make it optional? Doesn’t King want to make ALL their dedicated players happy? And I’ll bet those who loathe candy royale GREATLY outnumber the few who like it. It has ruined the game.
  • Oh my goodness! Really?! I have given up trying to play candy crush due to candy royale. I do periodically check here to see if anything has changed, and I’m so happy to hear this. I’m going to go check my game and see if I have the X to opt out.
  • I started an account here just so I could voice my disgust with Candy Royale, and maybe find others that feel the same way, and hopefully make a change. I’ve learned a couple of things- -The general consensus is that that vast majority of people desperately want CR to be at least made optional. -King does not care about…
  • Christinewupp, you are obviously a skilled player. I’m using some of your very own quotes to prove it 😄 “I wouldn't know how to play so quickly if I hadn't been playing for many years. Experience certainly plays a part.”- you’ve honed your skills over the years! “It was just having fun playing boosters wisely”- the…
  • Yes, there is skill. You have to look many moves ahead to see what the effect of any given move will be. Some boards may be more difficult than others, but the notion that the game is entirely “rigged” is nonsensical and unproven. Not giving us enough moves is a major way they make it seemingly impossible to win. The way I…
  • It’s totally possible to win with skill. I can’t imagine paying to beat a game. Sometimes I’m stuck for a week. Sometimes I beat 15 levels in a day. However, with the introduction of candy royale that has all changed. If I’m lucky enough to NOT have CR pop up (sometimes takes closing and reopening the app a hundred times)…
  • So, nearly everyone loathes candy royale- and then they make it even more problematic by requiring 21 wins in a row? I saw that pop up when I attempted and failed to play a few games of candy crush without playing candy royale (which I absolutely refuse to play) and it was equal parts hilarity and disgust. Maybe they’re…
  • How about we tell them to keep their gold bars- and all the other extraneous and unnecessary detritus that is dragging down the fun of just playing candy crush. I am on level 8858. I don’t spend a cent on this game. You don’t have to either. You can beat the levels without boosters. It is SO much more fun to win without…
  • I agree 100%.
  • What if someone started an online petition to have candy royale removed, or at least made optional?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?