Level 11227
What's the point ? Usual 20 moves ...... Impossible
Level 11188
Latest in a series of levels with a " Standard " 20 moves. This level is boring boring boring. You hardly get started with 20 moves. As soon as you see a level now with 20 9 times out of 10 you know you're wasting your time. No thought at all has gone into these levels. This level isn't even classed as difficult.
Level 11095
20 moves - No chance Full array of boosters + The power pop. Not even close to finishing after many tries. YouTube shows 30 moves to start . Are any designers or moderators reading these discussions ????
Level 11080
This level has 22 moves. There is no chance of completing this level. Having accumulated another 30 moves by playing so often I would still not attempt it. I would like someone from King to post a video of how you can come near to completing this level with 22 moves. Boosters at the start are a waste of time !!!
Level 11074
20 moves - Unbelievable. 30 moves on other platforms
Level 11053
20 moves ...... Ludicrous !!!! No gold left so take it I won't be progressing much further as the only way forward with levels such as these is to accumulate extra moves and then spend gold to get them. Reckon you would need 30 + moves to even see a glimpse of daylight with this ****. (EDITED by CM - Inappropriate/ abusive…
Level 11041
Can anyone tell me how you can complete this level with 22 moves. King should be embarrassed about this level. You can barely complete half the level with moves given. Shocking
Level 10669
25 moves No chance Boring Boring Boring What Algorithm do you reckon is used to fk you at every point ...... Apart from the paltry 25 moves the level is boring and frustrating from the start
Level 10922
This level has 20 moves. You have three keys to get - They are covered in Jelly and well protected. With 20 moves you are barely able to get one key. Checked on YouTube- The video has 30 moves and the keys are free of jelly and less protected. Would take it this was played on a Windows platform. Why are all platforms on a…
Level 10886
This level although having 33 moves must be a candidate for being one of the most boring levels ever. Using all 33 moves you barely get started. The level is just full of these wrapped jelly things or whatever you want to call them.