Why don't I have the seasons version
Two months ago my game reverted back to the original version. Even though my game is updated my home page is the original photo. Because of this I no longer get any of the special events and features. Has this happened to anyone else? Also could you tell me what is the current version number. King support told me that…
Why does the terms and conditions keep showig up
Evert time I open the game on my browser the terms and conditions show up. When it does I lose all of my events and have to play a level in order to get to get them back. Also when it does I don't get the rewards for winning any competitions. This happened today on the blue moon event. How can I stop this from happening?
What is wrong with my game
I'm unable to play today because the board is all messed up. This has happened before and I just reloaded it and that fixed it but this time it doesn't. Does anyone know how to fix this. Screenshot attached.
Why can't I connect to Facebook
I play on the Windows 10 version and somehow I got logged out. Now when I click on continue with Facebook it just doesn't connect. I want my profile picture back .Right now I am an ugly mean looking frog.
Why does my phone vibrate when playing
My phone vibrates when I'm playing.I have checked my settings and vibration is turned off but it keeps doing it. I'm afraid that it will cause damage to my phone so I won't play on it
How can I fix this
I accepted a challenge and even though the time had expired it shows 719 hours. I have attached a screenshot. Is there any way that I can fix ths
Sending and requesting lives
Last week I wasn't able to connect to facebook. After the problem was fixed and I connected to facebook I can no longer send or request for lives. I just get an error message which says something about the app domain. Could someone help me it's frustrating
Why is my profile picture being replaced by a creepy cartoon character
Sometimes when I load my game my profile picture has been replaced with a creepy character. It's like my game is being connected to a King account. I've never played with a KIng account. Why is this happening?
Do I lose my progress
Do I lose my progress if I switch from a king account to a facebook account
My F5 team disappeared.What should I do
All of my teammates just disappeared yesterday so I re-invited them but now our points are all messed up.What should I do