Level 1877
Why do you despised so much people playing your game.This @&$(;?!#%* level is not right.Everybody say that there is a bog in this level,but you don't give a dam about players obviously. The chocolate are indestructible no mater what i do and please don't tell me to watch video because it's totally useless.In the video…
Level 1902
Be honest and tell me that at this point ( near level 2000) no mater what i do is does not work.I sincerely think that you have programmed the level to just slowing us down.You don't want us to go too fast isn't.Each level now have to be play countless time and finaly we get a lucky board,what kind of fun the players have…
Level 1854
why when i use boosters , i receive them when i have 0 move left.You have no idea how it pissed me off.So unfair.I should use boosters at the beginning of the level not when i have no more move.The boosters are supposed to help us but when i receive them at the end of the level what's the point.It is not the fist time it…
Level 1850
30 secondes to get 50k it's too much.Only 5 secondes should be enough.Another boring level that i will have to try 100th times!!!!
Level 1823
Why are you lying to me .There are plenty of useless moves since no color match.You told me that every move can be use for working a strategy.That is totally false because i get only unmatch color.I have been at this level for days and i don't see how i will ever pass this level because i get only board with too many…
Level 1823
I did get two bombs side by side right at the beginning but after i had useless move(about 25 moves)Yes you read it right 25 useless moves.For Heaven'sake what i am supposed to do after that.Just getting two bombs side by side is extremely hard to get and when you get that it still not working.I am desperate.PLEASE HELP
Level 1823
Another horrible level.no fun whatsoever.The video that are supposed to help,is ridiculous.Please help
Level 1810
Are you listening to your fellow players.Everybody say it ,this level is a nightmare.Impossible to get near 100 k but we have to get to 200 k.Please do something about it.Why put level with time clock it's not funny at all.Why are you doing this we are suppose to have fun playing your game.Try yourself to complete this…
Level 1809
Level 1809.How am i suppose to pass this level which require to get 100 blue and green candies since the board do not drop those color.Please help
Level 1783.How i am suppose to complet this unfeasible ,horible and unfunny level
level 1783 Another level that is way too much difficutl to complet.Don't tell me to watch video for help it's useless.I have to try countless time and never get even close to complet it.In the video only one time and it's done,how convenient for you.