I was up past level 2000 but now every time I load a game I am taken to level 1. Although I can see a few levels that are completed I cannot get to Level 2000+. Any suggestions as to how I can get back to my highest level
No purples
Why do so so SOOOOO many levels have no purple candies? It's getting quite depressing as I've played my heart out for this all starts competition and level after level of no purples is just a bit rubbish:(
Bugs pubs
Depuis 2 semaines, si nous voulons regarder des pubs, pour obtenir des boosters, celles ci démarrent et se bloquent.Il faut quitter l'application, et ainsi de suite... Message "pub interrompue"... C'est désagréable, ou alors, c'est fait pour nous obliger à utiliser nos boosters en stock ??....😤
Rescue Buddies & Shipmates
Why are Rescue Buddies & Shipmates not giving rewards?
I just want to say hi I am new player I don’t understand is this game anything like candy crush
Nivel 5000.
Por que eu não recebi nenhum prêmio so cömpletar nivel 5000? Muitas pessoas foram presenteadas, eu não.
How can I play with my friend ?
I want play with my friend but a don’t know!
Any more Levels?
Is this it? I have abruptly came to a dead-end!!
I want to bake a cake with my teammates. Again I have "Coming Soon" going on 2+ weeks. Please fix this and please don't tell me this is normal as it's not. When???
Impossibile giocare
Questo gioco è diventato un enigma Da pubblicità e poi si blocca di continuo ma guarda caso le pubblicità non si bloccano mai Basta!! Dopo tanti anni devo andarmene La cosa ancora più vergognosa è che se non compri mai ti fa giocare la metà DISISTALLO