Game too hard
Soda crush was my go to game after candy crush got too hard..I'm on level 4000something and almost all my boosters are gone..I only get a wonderball about once every 3 days now when I was getting them daily b4..the game is getting impossible and I REFUSE TO OAY ANYTHING TO PLAY A GAME! hope the developers see this and reel…
How do you invite Soda Pop players to be on your team when baking a cake?
Please help!
What's hapend with bakery?
Moved 4 in a row from home screen to new activities icon now i cant see it easy
put it back, i liked to see 4 in a row status and icon on the main screen of the game, how its hidden, have to open activities icon twice the steps now, this should be a preference we can manage like the windows desktop, it makes the game less appealing now ,no improvment at all,
Level 500 badge
RE: Teammates
I just started a team...need daily serious dedicated players...we bake cakes too!! 😎🤣❤️🎉 Name of team is ... Bake a cake...code #1559817184 Join me? 🎆🎉✨😎
Hi everyone
(Apology if already covered... did a sweep, but cldnt see similar) i have been unable to access the bakery coming up to 3 weeks now. I note that my team members are able to, as their bake points/rewards are added to my profile.... is it just a waiting game?
A new Community Manager appears! 🧸🎧🥤
What’s up Soda players! Hope you’re all having a Sodalicious day, I just wanted to formally introduce myself as one of the new Community Members of the team here on the forum. I’m @LoFiGummy 🧸🎧, and I love a lot of music and beats ranging from LoFi HipHop to Jazz! 🎷 I’m stoked to be a part of this community and help out…
Absolute record holder in CCSS! Genius or bot?
Of course I'm joking now)))). There are no such geniuses. This is impossible. I took this screenshot yesterday (September 2, 2023). This screenshot says: Player is King3684 level - 12098 In game since September 2023 Country - United States of America. If you believe this information, then this player went through more than…