No sound in my game
No sound in my king games Anybody else? Or just me?
4 month no Season Pass on my account
Hello, I have a problem with m game for Season Pass. June, July, August and September have no Season Pass on my account. Please, when come the Season Pass back on my account? Without Season Pass is very boring for me. My old account have Season Pass. Thanks ou so much
🥳 Soda is turning 8 years old - create a birthday card and get an exclusive badge
Soda is turning 8 years old on the 10th of November, can you believe it? 🎂 Share the love and write a birthday card to the team behind Soda to receive the exclusive Birthday badge shown below. What would you like to tell Soda about the past 8 years? Do you have an extra sweet moment you'd like the team behind Soda to hear…
Candy Crush Soda is a boring, mindless drudge of a game that actually cheats the player ...
This game, apart from being so goddamn dull and utterly skill-less (there is zero skill and certainly no fun in playing any computerised game where success depends on what the computer program decides to do, and you are doomed to fail from move 1 if that is what it decides), is totally dishonest, disreputable and actually…
I was playing that game had a high score. But do t if I win anything? I updated and my game changed.
Extra lives
Hello everyone. I wanted to see if anyone knows how to get the extra lives (3 extra lives for 7.99). I was about to purchase it and hit a wrong button. Is there a way to pull that up so I can buy it?
Claim reward for passing 5000 levels
I would like to claim reward for passing 5000 levels thanks a lot
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Edited by CM: Please repost in English so everyone can understand
*Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Level 4000 ++
The account name of Amiera Lee..can find this file for me