Can't pass level 463
im done with this game bean at it for two months and cant get past 463
Can I turn off the boosters automaticaly given to me? It makes it to easy!!!!!
How can I turn off the boosters that are automaticaly given to me? It makes it to easy to play.....
Hard level suggestions
So, basically, I’m having a challenge in a variety of hard levels. Since Soda is my favorite game, I’m looking for advice on what to do when I get stuck on a hard level.
Weekly Contest
It isn't fair to the many people who play soda to be thrown in with people that excell at the game. We have no chance of getting any weekly bonus. I liked playing with friends as did they. We had our own personal challenges and you have taken that away. I know many people feel that this is so we don't win any weekly…
Mr. Toffee's Fair Tic Tac Toe issue
I have seen this issue numerous times. I just completed a goal (in the bottom right corner in this case) which completed the tic tac toe, but instead of winning, it wants me to select another square?
Happy new year
I want to use this medium to say happy new year to all my candy crush soda saga friends. We will enjoy this platform more this year, cheers to more levels
New levels?
I can see them on Android, but not on Windows? I can't play Android as I'm already past that top level. Will they be coming?
Bring back bubble hill
I use to have bubble hill for the weekend or even sometimes during the week. I got it 2 weeks ago and now it’s gone , let me tell u I haven’t played much in 2 weeks because I love bubble hill spent a lot of time on it , BRING IT BACK
Candy Crusaders- Best Team
I have been on many teams, and i am Lucky i found my current team.. Racer created the team, and there is alot of support ,Communication , interaction, and just an ll around great Team. I want to Thank Racer and the whole team ...
What levels is everyone on?
What levels is everyone on? Im a Newbie