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level 1305 how do you pass i i try everything
Hello there, you've made it to the first challenge of the Soda Summer Games 2022. We hope you're having a wonderful summer (or winter, if you're in the southern hemisphere) so far. For an extra challenge, we suggest you play this one out in the beautiful weather, just don't forget to bring sunscreen! What is the challenge?…
Welcome back, you've made it to the second challenge of the Soda Summer Games 2022. How's your summer going so far? We hope it's been sweet and you've had your fair share of ice cream, sun, and fun activities. Get ready for the second challenge, this one will be slightly trickier... What is the challenge? This time you…
Please remove U ity ad. It doesn't work and boosters or extra play is lost. Thank you.
I am bilal from pakistan my candy crush level 3000 pluse
Hi! I’m really glad you've made it! I hope you enjoy the first challenge of the Soda Summer Games 2022! However if you would like to have some extra puzzles in your life then you’ve come to the right place! What is the challenge? For this challenge, you need to complete this Word Search puzzle! There are 10 Words in the…
Why can't I log into my game with Facebook?? It keeps telling me to log in with email. But when I do that it starts me back on level 1
Hi everyone, all and sundry, my consecutice days for CCSS was unfairly stopped srveral times in the laat 9yrs and this time is no different. I emaiked King with as mych info aa i coukd gather but still nothing. I am eaaily agitated and kind of spineless which is a bad combination for me. So it means i need advocates. My…
Greetings Sodalicious Players! 🥤 Enjoy the summer, have fun and join the community wide contest! 😎 This is one of 7 contests located throughout the community where you have the chance to win 20 Gold Bars in each contest. You will need to count the number of objects from each contest and then post the total in the final…
* * Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
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