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New to soda? Beat level 1,2,3,4,5, and 6!
I Earned A Reward to Upload My Avatar, but it doesn't show up in the game or here.🤒
Can anyone be my good friend? I really need friends!
Hi, Is there’s badge for reaching level 4000 please?
(Edit by CM: Unsupported Language)
*Welcome to the Contest on: Find The Turtle! We are going to help you find her. *Sprinkleshell The Turtle, is a she, I have been told. So the first thing to do, is go to: Who is the Sprinkleshell Turtle and what does he do? — King Community…
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Level 7 difficulty: Easy Medium Hard
Give me badge i have crossed 5000 level
trying to post 5 times
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