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Bĩn x n kzmzmmmm m mx
Bucsndy crush soda is my fav
I hate virtual school do you?
Hey everyone! We have spotted many great members of this Community in the last months and we want to make sure you get what you deserve! That's why, for the next months, we will be in the lookout for those members that stand out for different reasons: * You have Guides you want to share with the Community? Post them under…
Date Played & Recorded: February 26, 2021 @ 9:39 PM CST Device & Version: iPhone iOS Candy Crush Saga App File Locator: XSJV1315 Level Type: FROSTING Level Degree Of Difficulty: MEDIUM BLOCKERS: Licorice Swirls, 2-3-4-5-Layered Cupcakes GOAL: Find The Bears! 0/6 In 36 Moves NOTE: This is constantly happening on CCSS on…
How do you become part of a community and add discussions?
Finish the candy crush soda
I want to know why people aside from my friends are showing up in my races? More gold bars should be awarded in these races. 15 minute time limits on prizes is totally ridiculous. The timers should only run while playing the game..?.
Want to participate, but no account, then register here in 2 minutes Hey Soda lovers 🥤we have a lovely maths contest for you How pretty do our characters look 💓 Can you find the answer and complete the test 5 lucky winners who do will be chosen at random to receive 30 gold bars💰 added to your game You have from the 1st to…
where do we find the prizes that we have won with our team? My team finished the baking contest and yet I have seen no prizes. Also we have been collecting points for treasure chests but I've not even gotten a notice about winning any prizes with my team!
Help us make the Community even Sweeter.