New milestone badges
Hello @Yosca . I received this email from King and thought could we get badges for the 500,levels as well? Just an idea…
Cosmetic Cleanup
Hello, A few ideas to clean up redundunt screen items: Team Ranking Events screen - remove "coming soon" icon Activities SubScrenn - reduce the size and reposition the individual icons so all the icons fit on one screen without needing to scoll to reach thei desired icons. . 3. Shop Icon and Gold Bar Icon - Both icons take…
Cosmetic Clean up
Hello: Playing on desktop windows 11 Team Ranking Subscreen - remove 'coming soon' icon Activities Subscreen - reposition and reduce the size of the icons to eliiminate the need to srcoll to reach the desired icon. 3. Shop Icon and Gold Bar Icon - both icons take you to the same subscreen. Either remove one of the icons or…
Nova habilidade para jogar em equipe.
Tragam os antigos personagens Percy Blockerton III; Chilly Tusks; Bubblegum Troll; Honey Dragon; Ms. Sindy Squidle. Para que possamos desafiá-los em equipe. Nesse sentido, poderia criar novas fases exclusivas para os desafios. E, uma grande garrafa de soda será enchido, conforme as fases forem sendo concluídas pela equipe.…
Thar She Blow's Mateys ☠️🏴☠️
In Shipmates perhaps purchasing a One Shot Torpedo that could run one entire Row, either Vertical or Horizontal for: "X" amount of Gold Bars. Your only allowed 1 torpedo per a 4-Ship Game. Perhaps make it a Boost you can purchase, like a Hammer, or Reshuffle... Would definitely make this Event more Dangerous 🚀🚀
Have more free
Games with more little helps more ways to get life
Customer care services
I would recommend a chat line type service which gives you the opportunity to talk to a human agent. This would help in communicating the issue in a chronological way for bettter solving percentage and minimize members frustration and candy crush employees.
My love
I love this game
Coin Rewards
Need a way that we can earn coin rewards too. I’m not buying coins and have put a block for anyone to purchase coins.
Time of Bakery Opening
Here is an idea…Is there a way to have a bakery opening count down? I check daily however by the time I get to it on the day it opens the cake has already been baked. I believe if there was a countdown it would be more Conducive for others to play and not miss out on the fun/rewards