FFor each holiday approaches base the levels on what ever the holiday is memorial day flags or the color of flags change the color of the candles to what ever that holiday is Christmas red and green and gold silver or gray easter yellows and green white easter baskets just leave the red sodas shapes like soda bottles put…
Trash the game,
The way I see it,this game starts off being entertaining, and then it shows it's true colors, and starts to cheat. If you want someone to buy things from this game you shouldn't have it where they'd rather not play at all I.E me. I already have uninstalled it because I considered it as a very very bad experience.
Daily Prizes
Give prizes to help pass levels faster. Especially hard ones. They take way too long.
Watch ads for boosts,and gold
There's a lot of games that have short ad clips to watch for boosts,coins gold or whatever it is the game uses. The only thing I see here is to win so many hard levels to get a discount,it should be win so many hard levels and get a free boost or gold
Select Boosters
Might I suggest that when you start a new level, and you have the option of selecting boosters that you put in a box you can check to select all. It sure beats having to go through and individually Select each booster.
Get rid of candy hunt
Either get rid of kimmys candy hunt or give people the option of not participating. At the very least make it so how many you match doesn’t poop every frikkin time you make a play. Save it for the end of the game and show the total. It’s annoying and distracting. I actually avoid matching the target colors! Until this…
save your free play for later
if we could... it would prevent me from stopping before winning a level, because I don't have enough battery left on the phone, or enough lives.
Dark mode
Hello, is it possible to introduce a dark mode in the evening from a certain time? 🙏 For example, that the background is displayed as night. With stars and the like. I continue to play the game in bed in the evenings until my eyes close, but the brightness is really very uncomfortable. Even if I've switched my cell phone…
Gold bars for playing on
Would not it be possible to lower the 10 gold bars for further play? Because you get from the episode race as 1st place 5 gold bars. Unfortunately, I hardly have gold bars.
Tiles on game board
I think it's ridiculous to allow only two tiles per day. I think we're should be allowed to tick as many as we are able to per day especially if we have an unlimited lives time period.