Glad to be here
Am glad to be in this community. *Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information - Our House Rules
GIF(?) : how to lose a level in a flash
Here ↓
Can I get all Level badges?
Can I get all the Level badges I missed with this one screenshot?
Need friends
Unfortunately I cannot pass through difficult levels at times. Having to wait for my lifes to refill, due having no friends. I do not have a Facebook account. So any help would be magic if anyone will add me. Thankyou kindly all👍😊
Where have all the team games gone?
First no more team quests in Bubble witch 2, now no cake baking for over a week on soda, what's going on??? Does anyone know?? I know bubble witch 2 has stopped team requests and now it's boring, are they going to do the same with cake baking??
200 days of Gaming!
Hello everyone on the Soda forum! I had completed this game 200 days ago, this was a much faster duration for how long I have still been playing and continuing and enjoying this sodacious game! 😁🤗 Here is my screenshot of the day below. 👇️
Feel better Yosca
Hi @Yosca I hope everything went well with your surgery and you're feeling much better! You are missed here! 🤗 🙏
Candy crush soda
Why does my screen show "Collect your reward", but when I click on it nothing happens?
Two accounts
I used to be able two have two different accounts. One was with Facebook and one was with Apple. For some reason I cannot fathom, both these accounts have been linked together and I want to seperate them. Is that even possible? If it is, how do I do this?