Hii friends
Add me
Looking for friends to add. I'm Sherane from South Australia, my account number is ,14580315911🙂👍
Where's Candy Crush Soda Page?
I wasn't both blond, I should have been. I've been all over King's community and I've not located where the page is for Soda. Would someone please direct me?
Thank you my friends 🙏 🚢 ☠️
Just using this platform to thank my friends for helping me to sink ships🚢☠️! I don’t know why I love Shipmates feature and rewards are great too. @Amoonmoon they almost got you last time!! 😊😊 I hope everyone receives my help too :) Have a lovely evening.
bring my childhood back
the old version was so good i miss those old character designs they are soo good i liked it , now they are worst to me pls bring my childhood back.
Are there game or tricks only known to veterans?
I know I may open up a pandoras box by asking this, but as a new person around these parts - I'm curious to hear if there are tricks game that made them feel like they became more powerful? for me in the game it was figuring out how to properly combo fish with wrapped candies or 🐟🍬 line candy with wrapped candy 💥. OR using…
Candy Crush change branding
One of our clients has a requirement where they want to place their ads, which are basically not ads but full branding. So to give you an example, let's say Candy Crush needs to have all the look and feel of our client branding. Now, can anyone confirm if this is possible? And if yes, what will be your cost, and is doing…
Candy Crush Soda Too Hard
I think it is totally unfair that Candy Crush Soda is the hardest of all games on Facebook with very little reward when you do win a game. I love this game but find most games very hard.
Level 171
Don't tell me this * isn't rigged to try and force you to buy stuff. I am about to change my review. And don't write back with some *.excuse either.😡👎 *Edited by CM:🤨 Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Our House Rules
Level 11989 help
Hi, can anyone help me out with some secrets to complete the level? Please Ibnana😮