Impossible d’enchaîner les parties
quand je termine une partie et que je souhaite reprendre soit une nouvelle vie soit enchaîner sur une nouveau niveau, le jeu est impossible. L’écran est figé. J’ai désinstallé et réinstallé, vérifier la mémoire, la mise à niveau des logiciels tout est ok. iPad os 18.1.1
How to login old id
Can I login my id
Will I lose Everything since my IPad started rebooting over and over in Soda crush batula treasure b
while I was Playing soda crush on my 7th gen IPad, it started rebooting over and over. Cannot turn it off. I can now only access on my iPhone, but it has no boosters or anything else. I was in the middle of Batula ball. I assume I will lose everything?
mes vies ne se rechargent plus
bonjour, depuis une semaine mes vies ne se rechargent plus
I need my game win streak back...
My rainbow win streak back. I'm at 25 win streaks and was in the middle of playing level 5470. I had to answer a phone call, when I tried resume my game play, the app restarted, and now all of win streak boosters are gone. Can you give my boosters back so I can resume playing to get my next win streak wonderball reward?
How do I start earning money from candy crush soda saga
New maps
levels are so tepetitive on soda saga, can you come up new maps? Currently on level 4469.
Unable to purchase bars
I have been unable to purchase bars, it states “Contacting”.
hello….Im wanting to Bake in the bakery,however it always says “Bakery opening soon”……This has been non stop for the past few weeks now…
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